Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

mode, the high resolution spectral mode and a combi- 
nation of multispectral with one of the stereo channels. 
Because of the different figure in altitude the ground 
pixel resolution results in 5.2 - 6.1 m for the high reso- 
lution panchromatic channel and 15.9 - 18.2 m forthe 
lower resolution channels. 
The camera with its data recorder will be mounted 
on top of the segment PRIRODA. One further compo- 
nent for this mission is a NAV-package allowing GPS 
positioning with an accuracy of about +- 5 m and at- 
titude determination with an accuracy of +- 9 arcse- 
conds. The data takes during that preparational mis- 
sion should allow mapping and updating of GIS data 
bases. The operation scenario should be as follows: data 
takes will be made on demand by the users; the recor- 
ded data are transmitted to earth via parabolic an- 
tennae to Neustrelitz near Berlin and to Moscow. It is 
expected that this scenario can fulfill several require- 
ments on earth observation data. 
The MOMS programme of Germany is up to now very 
successful. About 30 Million DM have been spent for 
camera development and instrumentation — not too 
much in comparison with activities of the Landsat pro- 
gramme of The United States and the French Spot fa- 
cilities. The camera itself has the highest ground pi- 
xel resolution of a digital space sensor ever flown; its 
along-track stereo capability allows for photogramme- 
tric stereo restitution and automatic DTM generation. 
Furthermore, as shown by first data processing, the 
optimization of the width of multispectral bands leads 
to clear separation of vegetation, which could not be 
solved as efficient as desired in the recent past. The 
MOMS Science Team is very optimistic to obtain the 
accuracies predicted. 
Integration of photogrammetric and remote sensing 
data in GIS is a necessity. Therefore, as shown by the 
MOMS example the cooperation of different experts in 
the disciplines of photogrammetry, remote sensing and 
geographic information systems has led to a develop- 
ment capable to manage geometric (stereo) and thema- 
tic (multispectral) data acquisition simultaneosly. The 
integration of the processed data in GIS can be done in 
different ways: a simple strategy is the layer oriented 
storage of different thematics — as far as DTM orga- 
nization is concerned a more rigorous way is a total 
merge of planimetry with the DTM data. The MOMS 
programme is the optimum example of synergy; it is 
expected that during processing of the MOMS02/D2 
data and MOMS02/P data further details for earth ob- 
servation will be worked out which will have influence 
on further sensor design and permanent monitoring of 
the earth surface from space. 
Ackermann, F., Hahn, M., 1991: Image pyramids for 
digital photogrammetry. In: Digital Photogramme- 
tric Systems, Eds. H. Ebner, D. Fritsch, C. Heipke, 
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Ackermann, F. 1994. The photogrammetric research 
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from space. In: Proceedings Commission 3, XX. FIG 
Congress, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 304.1 /1-10. 
Bodechtel, J., Lórcher, G., Sommer, S., (1994). The 
MOMS-02/D2 Mission — Overview on the thematic 
evaluation. In: Proceedings Commission 3, XX. FIG 
Congress, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 304.3/1-9. 
Edwards, G., 1991. Remote sensing image analysis and 
geographic information systems: laying the ground- 
work for total integration. In: The Integration of Re- 
mote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, 
Ed. J.L. Star, American Soc. for Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, pp. 21-31. 
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1991. Integration of remote sensing and GIS. Pho- 
togr. Engin. Rem. Sens. (PERS), 57, pp. 669-675. 
Ehlers, M., 1993. Developments in remote sensing: 
techniques and applications. In: Multisource Data 
Integration in Remote Sensing for Land Inventory 
Applications, Eds. M. Molenaar, L. Janssen, H. van 
Leeuwen, Dept. Land Surveying and Remote Sen- 
sing, Wageningen Agricultural University, pp. 55- 
Fritsch, D., 1991. Raumbezogene Informationssysteme 
und digitale Gelándemodelle. Deutsche Geodätische 
Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 369, München. 
Fritsch, D., 1993. Photogrammetry and geographic in- 
formation systems — evolution instead of revolution. 
In: Photogrammetric Week’93, Eds. D. Fritsch, D. 
Hobbie, Wichmann, Karlsruhe, pp. 3-10. 
Hofmann, O., Kaltenecker, A., Müller, F. (1993): 
Das flugzeuggestützte, digitale Dreizeilenaufnahme- 
und Auswertesystem DPA - erste Erprobungser- 
gebnisse. In: Photogrammetric Week'93, Eds. D. 
Fritsch, D. Hobbie, Wichmann, Karlsruhe, pp. 97- 
Sahm, P.R., Keller, M.H., Schiewe, B., 1993. Rese- 
arch program of the German Spacelab Mission D-2. 
DLR, Cologne, 558 p. 
Seige, P. (1993). MOMS - A contribution to high re- 
solution multispectral and stereoscopic earth obser- 
vation 1 
Eds. D. 
pp. 109. 
Thom, C., 
gital ae 
nal (Fr: 
D. Frit: 
Zilger, J., 
tronic . 

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