Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

> experimental 
represent the 
ription of the 
ine and height 
d cluster gives 
about obstacle 
€ of separate 
on based on the 
es of real road 
e rectangle. At 
rs are shown - 
database of real 
tion in different 
e basis of stereo 
t obstacles with 
ov, Sybiryakov, 
iod is from 15m 
1 both cameras. 
ision avoidance 
r second. 
connected with 
on dynamic 
acle clusters of 
> perspective in 
ctures detection. 
n-based vehicle 
ly 1997 
] of 3D-object 
nalysis. IAPRS, 
Technical Commission V: Close-Range Vision Techniques 

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