Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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’ENTEUR profits 
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The integration of these objectives in the same group 
implies two technical and conceptual choices. The first is 
in the use of digital images obtained with a digital 
camera, now commercially available with adequate 
resolution. These images also allow automatic tasks and 
software tools. Finally, they allow the total integration of 
the process from the images to final results like 3D 
visualisation in CAO-DAO 3D software. 
This integration is made profitable to serve another 
choice, more conceptual, which is founded on the idea of 
a process guided by the information related to the field. 
Concerning both architecture and archaeology, the goal is 
to allow experts to use their knowledge to produce results 
which ideally meet their wishes. The results can be 
shown as documents, visual files, or as a body. For this 
purpose a group of tools is given to experts to allow them 
to express hypotheses related to their field of 
investigation, hypotheses that lead to easier measurement 
process, e.g. the creation of a body representing the 
object in its field of investigation. 
As a benefit of those choices the ARPENTEUR looks 
like a tool developed for professional architects and 
archaeologists with a reduced intervention of the 
photogrammetry expert. 
1.2 History of the project 
ARPENTEUR is running on the WEB as a Java Applet. 
The needed file (camera parameters, control points 
coordinates and images) must be uploaded (by File 
Transfer Protocol) on one of the ARPENTEUR's servers. 
Two servers are available with ARPENTEUR Version 
2.0 (presently in Strasbourg and in Marseille) reachable 
from the main web site (http://www.arpenteur.net). The 
user can create his own workspace during the login and 
upload his data files. Several examples (from 
architectural or aerial photogrammetry), details about the 
configuration, help files and papers are available on the 
ARPENTEUR web page. 
Year |Version Java & Comments 
May 1.0 J.D.K. First version presented 
1998 1.1.5 at Hakodate 
(ISPRS Comm. 5) 
July 1.1 J.D.K. Version presented at 
2000 1.1.8 CATCON 
(ISPRS Amsterdam) 
January 2.0 J.D.K. 1.3 | Image processing with 
2001 hd. AT. J.A.I. 
1.0.2 I-MAGE 3D modeling 
End 3.0 J.D.K.1.3+ | XML for Document 
2001 J.A.I. 1.1 Type Definition 
Summer | 3.1 JDK.14 |v Bridge from 
2002 + Photomodeler™ 
TAA. 1.1.1] V. *ML 
Y . Special module 
for amphora survey in 
underwater photo- 
grammetry context 
Table 1. Evolution of ARPENTEUR since 1998 
J.D.K.: Java Development Kit 
J.A.L: Java Advanced Imaging 
XML: Extensible Markup Language 
We plan to upgrade both servers in Marseilles and Strasbourg 
with the ultimate version of ARPENTEUR in Autumn 2002. It 
will be possible, with this version to work with photographs 
stored on the local hard disk. 
1.3 Link with other software 
Since ARPENTEUR version 3.0 (January 2002), XML has 
been chosen to structure the photogrammetric orientation data 
and to represent the measured data collected during the 
plotting phase. The aim was to increase interoperability 
between ARPENTEUR and other software packages. We think 
that it is significant to propose an approach for standardisation. 
More effective communication between these products will be 
We made a bridge from PhotoModeler TM to ARPENTEUR in 
order to upload photogrammetric data computed with this well 
known software. We can import both calibrated cameras, 
measured points and computed orientations. Of course this 
bridge is completely dependent on the output file format of the 
target software and can't be portable. 
On the other hand, we can export 3D data relating the survey, 
to VRML format, MicroStation (from Bentley) and POV-Ray. 
The problem is always the same one: we use an internal format 
and make several bridges to several visualization software 
It is not reasonable to imagine to develop a bridge for all of 
existing photogrammetric software packages. 
From the photogrammetric point of view, we propose XML 
data structure to represent the data. All photogrammetric data 
in ARPENTEUR are stored in XML files. This is a convenient 
way to share data with other applications for two family of 
- considering the heterogeneous data to manage in a 
photogrammetric survey, a XML structuring is a good 
opportunity to federate it in a single document. 
- It is then possible to elaborate a request on the whole set 
of data and write a simple and automatic publication in 
The XML document structure allows different kind of data 
- Intuitive way, by interactive navigation, 
- Simple way as keyword research, 
- Accurate way by request as we can do in a traditional 
DBMS with SQL. 
The second family of reasons is the intrinsic interoperability 
structure of XML documents. The document structure is 
described in a separate file that allows the user to seek in the 
document and get only the relevant information. 
As the number of software tools is continuously growing, the 
photogrammetric field is still missing some common way to 
provide simple and efficient way to exchange data. This lack 
of standardisation leads to a waste of time, energy and 

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