Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

redundant efforts. As the use of XML formalism has 
reached a certain level, it appears now as a rational 
Example: exporting archaeological surveys in XML 
Once the photogrammetric data are formalised with 
XML, we start to store the plotting result data in the same 
way. ARPENTEUR has a particular way to manage 
resulting data, not only as geometrical data but also in a 
semantic and topologic way. 
This approach was implemented in an underwater 
photogrammetric survey for an Etruscan deep wreck 
discovered near Marseille two years ago. In this context 
we develop a special tool for surveying amphora, using a 
theoretical and geometrical model in order to complete 
the amphora lacked geometry (due to partial vision or 
partial destruction). 
An XML file is generated in order to manage all 
measured data concerning the survey. 
For more information about this work you can refer 
[Drap, Long, Durand, Grussenmeyer, 2001-A], and also 
[Drap, Bruno, Long, Durand, Grussenmeyer, 2002] 
Since the beginning of the ARPENTEUR project, the 
need to work in a team and with other teams together 
with an object oriented programming language has 
obliged us to design our internal tools in a modular 
fashion, with embedded concepts closely related to 
general uses in the photogrammetric field, e. g the 
definition of a so-called Model for photogrammetric 
projects. To describe this model and reach the goal of 
interoperability, we use XML and XML Schema 
languages. The goal of this section is then to show how a 
photogrammetric model would be formalized using these 
languages and to propose it as a first step toward a 
standardized way to describe photogrammetric data. 
3.1 The need for a model — Why a Model ? 
We all know that when realizing some photogrammetric 
work, we are dealing with large amount of data, 
thousands of measures, hundreds of points, etc. All these 
geometric entities need to be clearly assigned to some 
usage. A structured representation of data is then a basic 
requirement to build a photogrammetric software 
A model is a structured feature that is built to drive a 
system towards some possible solution of an issue. The 
concept of Model defines the ‘world’ of a problem. It 
clearly establishes what is inside and belongs to the 
universe of the problem and what should be left outside 
as non meaningful for it [Lemoigne, 1990]. Such issues 
in photogrammetry will be surveys, 3D representation or 
construction of an Information System. For instance, to 
build an "Information system on heritage conservation" 
[Camara, Latorre, 1997], structuring of data has been 
made through a relational data base. That means the 
existence of a data base schema (a kind of model). In this 
case, the model remains implicit because it is wrapped in 
the underlying structure of the data base. The Arpenteur 
project is using the concept of model as an explicit input to 
work with data. 
3.2 Interoperability 
Another point was the ability to exchange data between 
different teams. Not all the teams use the same software and 
more than one software my be used in the same team for 
different reasons like : the software license availability, the 
preference for a given functionality or simply because of the 
knowledge of the user. The ability to exchange or share data is 
also known as the "interoperability" issue and is a concern of 
the Arpenteur project as a web based tool [Drap, 
Grussenmeyer, 2000]. 
Interoperability would allow different teams located in 
different places to exchange data and to cooperate to some 
common goal. Other organisations have already begun to build 
standards or recommendations to reach the interoperability 
through different systems. Such efforts have already begun in 
fields that are closed to the photogrammetric field. For 
instance, in Geographic Information System (GIS), the 
OpenGIS Consortium has built several specifications to define 
basic data structure [OpenGIS, 1999] or more sophisticated 
services, for instance: transformation of coordinates 
[OpenGIS, 2001]. Another field of interest is the one that deals 
with 3D representation and reality modelling: the VRML 
consortium has lead its specification towards standardization : 
see [VRML, 1997]. This organization is also attempting to 
develop its new standard by the use of XML Schema (see their 
draft version at 
3.3 XML and XML Schema : a language dedicated to 
structured data 
Since early stages of the Web, the W3C consortium 
(http:// WWW.w3c.org/) has developed many technical 
specifications for the Web infrastructure as a W3C 
commitment to promote interoperability. This means 
encouraging universal access to make the Web accessible to 
all, semantic Web to develop a software environment that 
permits each user to make the best use of the resources 
available on the Web and a Web of Trust. 
Among these efforts, "the XML 1.0 Recommendation 
(published in February 1998) was the first step towards the 
next generation Web, allowing each community to design 
languages that suit their particular needs and integrate them 
harmoniously into a general infrastructure based on XML" 
(http:// WWW .w3c.org/Consortium/) The XML specification 
(Extensible Markup Language, 2000 ) describes "a syntax 
created by subsetting an existing, widely used international 
text processing standard (Standard Generalized Markup 
Language, ISO 8879:1986(E) as amended and corrected) for 
use on the World Wide Web". For that, "XML documents are 
made up of storage units called entities, which contain either 
parsed or unparsed data. Parsed data is made up of 
characters, some of which form character data, and some of 
which form markup. Markup encodes a description of the 
document's storage layout and logical structure. XML provides 
a mechanism to impose constraints on the storage layout and 
logical structure". The XML language defines the concept of 
well-formedness and validity : a well-formed document simply 
respects the XML way of structuring elements whereas valid 

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