Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

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3D model 
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th maps 
The texture itself can also be enhanced through the multi- 
view linking scheme. A median or robust mean of the 
corresponding texture values can be computed to discard 
imaging artifacts like sensor noise, specular reflections and 
highlights (Koch et al., 1998, Ofek et al., 1997). 
To reconstruct more complex shapes it is necessary to com- 
bine multiple depth maps. Since all depth-maps are located 
in a single metric frame, registration is not an issue. To 
integrate the multiple depth maps into a single surface rep- 
resentation, the volumetric technique proposed in (Curless 
and Levoy, 1996) is used. 
In this section a few results are presented to illustrate the 
possibilities of our approach. 
A first example is one of the Dionysus statues found in 
Sagalassos. This 2m high statue was placed on the mon- 
umental fountain on the upper market-square of Sagalas- 
sos. The statue is now located in the garden of the mu- 
seum in Burdur. In our case it was simple to record a 1- 
minute video. Bringing in more advanced equipment such 
as laser range scanner would much more difficult. In Fig- 
ure 5 different steps of the reconstruction process are il- 
lustrated. The 3D model was obtained from a single depth 
map. A more complete and accurate model could be ob- 
tained by combining multiple depth maps (see further). A 
more smooth look could be obtained for the shaded model 
by filtering the 3D mesh in accordance with the standard 
deviations that are obtained as a by product depth compu- 
tation. This is not so important when the model is textured 
mapped with the original images. 
A second example is shown in Figure 6. It is a Medusa 
head which is located on the entablature of a monumental 
fountain in Sagalassos. The head itself is about 30cm large. 
The 3D model was obtained from a short video sequence. 
In this case also a single depth map was used to reconstruct 
the 3D model. Notice that realistic views can be rendered 
from viewpoints that are very different from the original 
An important advantage of our approach compared to more 
interactive techniques (Debevec et al., 1996, PhotoMod- 
eler) is that much more complex objects can be dealt with. 
Compared to non-image based techniques we have the im- 
portant advantage that surface texture is directly extracted 
from the images. This does not only result in a much higher 
degree of realism, but'is also important for the authenticity 
of the reconstruction. Therefore the reconstructions ob- 
tained with this system can also be used as a scale model 
on which measurements can be carried out or as a tool 
for planning restorations. A disadvantage of our approach 
(and more in general of most image-based approaches) is 
that our technique can not directly capture the photometric 
properties of an object, but only the combination of these 
with lighting. It is therefore not possible to re-render the 
3D model under different lighting. This is a topic of future 
Figure 5: 3D reconstruction of Dionysus. (a) one of the 
original video frames, (b) corresponding depth map, (c) 
shaded view of the 3D reconstruction, (d) view of the tex- 
tured 3D model. 
(a) | (b) 
(c) 0 
Figure 6: 3D reconstruction of a Medusa head. (a) one 
of the original video frames, (b) corresponding depth map, 
(c) and (d) two views of the 3D model. 

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