Full text: Papers for the international symposium Commission VI

1. Cartography and Photogrammetry, do they have an Identical 
or a Different Subject of Research ? 
According to their Scientific objectives,* cartography as well 
as photogrammetry càn be regarded as procedure-oriented sci 
ences. The scientific discipline of' photogrammetry (including 
remote sensing) investigates and teaches how certain informa 
tion (on earth, moon, mars, etc.- but also on other objects and/ 
or facts such as biological structures, traffic accidents, etc. 
[1]) can be gained . The scientific discipline of cartography 
investigates and teaches how certain information can be repre 
sented and reproduced (E. IMHOP [2] and others). This means 
that both disciplines develop procedures, once for the gaining 
and once for the representation of information. 
What information shall be gained and represented (on maps and 
map-like representations) is, however, determined by other dis 
ciplines (such as geodesy, geography, geology, meteorology, etc.). 
In developing such procedures for the gaining and representa 
tion of information, photogrammetry and cartography always 
strive to find optimal procedures. Optimal in this connection 
(a) the gaining of information shall be performed in such a man 
ner that the desired measuring accuracy and the statistical 
completeness ( statistical survey accuracy ) of the informa 
tion are reached with the smallest possible expenditure (of 
time and costs) 
(b) the representation of information shall be performed in such 
a manner that the desired drawing accuracy and the desired 
perception (legibility) of the graphic representation are 
reached with the smallest possible expenditure. 
Thus photogrammetry and cartography have an identical subject 
of research: the development of procedure.

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