Full text: Transactions of the Symposium on Photo Interpretation

by E. A. Stephens 
Dept, of Technical Go-operation, Overseas Geological Surveys, 
Photogeological Division, Tolworth, Surrey, England 
Abstract An account is given of the problems of interpretation and identification of meta- 
morphic rocks encountered during the reconnaissance mapping of areas of regional meta 
morphism in Tanganyika and Nyasaland. 
The photogeological identification and correlation of individual rock types are more difficult 
in areas of regional metamorphism than in areas of unmetamorphosed sediments, and are 
often impossible. It is considered that information from reconnaissance field work is essen 
tial for the successful determination of individual metamorphic rocks from air photographs. 
Résumé L’auteur donne un rapport concernant les problèmes d’interprétation et d’iden 
tification de roches métamorphiques rencontrées sur le terrain, lors du lever d’une carte de 
reconnaissance dans les zones de métamorphisme régional du Tanganyika et du Nyasaland. 
Il est plus difficile, souvent même impossible, d’établir l’identification et la corrélation photo 
géologiques des différents types de roches dans les zones de métamorphisme régional que dans 
celles de sédiments non métamorphisés. Les informations obtenues par le travail de recon 
naissance sur le terrain sont considérées comme essentielles pour pouvoir distinguer avec 
succès différentes sortes de roches métamorphiques d’après des photographies aériennes. 
Zusammenfassung Probleme der Interpretation und der Identifizierung metamorpher 
Gesteine werden besprochen, welche während einer Aufklärungs-Kartierung in Gebieten 
regionaler Metamorphose in Tanganyika und Nyasaland auftauchten. 
Die photogeologische Identifizierung und Korrelation individueller Gesteinstypen sind 
schwieriger in Gebieten regionaler Metamorphose als in solchen unveränderter Absatz 
gesteine. In vielen Fällen ist dies sogar unmöglich. Die durch die Aufklärung im Gelände ge 
lieferten Daten werden als unbedingt nötig erachtet, um einzelne metamorphe Gesteine in den 
Luftbildern einwanfrei bestimmen zu können. 
This paper describes briefly the results of the reconnaissance photogeological 
mapping during 1960 of approximately 2,300 square miles in the Mahenge 
Area, Tanganyika (bounded by coordinates 8° 30' S, 9° 00' S, 36° 00' E, and 
37° 00'E) and, during 1961, of approximately 2,500 square miles in the 
Lilongwe-Salima area, Nyasaland (bounded by coordinates 13°15'S, 14° 
00' S, 33° 45' E, and 34° 40' E). Field trips of four months duration were made 
in both areas to check the photogeological interpretation and to provide the 
geological basis for the final maps. Air photographs at scales of 1 : 35,000 and 
1 : 40,000 were used. Additional photo cover at 1 : 20,000 scale was available 
for part of the Lilongwe-Salima area. 
Mahenge Area, Tanganyika 
The Basement rocks in the Mahenge area, Tanganyika, are of Usagaran age 
and comprise a group of well-foliated metasediments, predominantly horn 
blende-, biotite-, and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses. These rocks are impregnated 
with quartzo-feldspathic material and migmatisation is particularly well-

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