Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

Fig. 5.1. Transformation of passive graduates into active professionals. 
To complete the unfavourable image one should mention the ratio 
students-per-photogrammetric instrument, the state of instruments technol 
ogy (there is no analytical plotter in any of the university labs) and the 
sortage of staff. A more detailed image is given by Rokos (1988). 
From the 120-160 undergraduate students some 10% take the third 
selective and a fraction of them continue with an M.Sc-equivalent disserta 
tion. The latter seem to have the sole opportunity to be involved with pho- 
togrammetric problems, to have considerable practice on instruments and 
thus approach the state of an ’’active” photogrammetrist. 
The image given above is valid for the last ten - fifteen years. 
Earliei the level of instruction was definitely lower. It is well known that 
for a series of years photogrammetric instruments were only excibited to 
the instruments of one lab and no one could touch the ’’white elephants". 
Graduated of that era are the very few self-trained enthusiasts who set 
up, developed and have leading positions in the photogrammetric produc 
tion, both in the public and in the private sector.

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