Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

Should the Congress Program provide a short time to allow the 
National Report preparers to verbally present a summary of the 
National Report? 
yes : 
At Congresses there are Invited 
and Presented Papers; 
should the National Reports belong 
to one 
of these categories or 
to a special category? 
Invited Paper; 
Presented Paper; 
yes : 
Special Category; 
yes : 
Should the National Report include a summary in one or two of 
ficial Society languages? 
(if yes, which language?) yes: no: 
if yes, maximum number of words of the summary? 
Should the number of publications produced by the country in 
question during the between congress period and listed in the 
National Report be complete or selective? 
complete; yes: ..... no: 
selective; yes: no: 
Should the length of the National Report [number of pages] be 
yes: no: 
if yes, to how many pages? 
In the National Report certain items must be prioritarv. Please, 
indicate bv a check sign [ •/] the following subjects which should 
be given priority in the National Report: 
New methods and procedures [description]: .... 
New equipment [systems] and instruments [description]: .... 
Presentation of research and practical results

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