Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

A modern approach to photograirmietric curricula 
Ä. Gruen . grat 
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 1 he 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETr 
ETH-Hoenggerbcrg, CH-8093 Zunch, Switzerland envi 
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Profound changes in technical tools and procedures, professional requirements and working the i 
conditions must be reflected in a reorientation of University curricula. This paper gives a brief the s 
analysis of the new' technological and professional environment of the surveying engineer. It 
points out the necessary conclusions and shows with the example of the reformed curriculum (a) 
for the surveying engineer at ETH Zürich how the basic subjects must be deepened, the (b) 
supporting subjects renewed and extended, and the specialised courses reconsidered in content (c) 
and form in order to give the student a solid education and the competitive edge for his or her 
professional life. Cau 
1 . Introduction the ; 
Target groups for education in photogrammetry can be distinguished with respect to level of 
education and pre-education (Operator, Technician, Bachelor or Engineer, MSc or Diploma * F 
Engineer, PhD), status of program (training sessions, pre-professional, continuing • E 
education, special certification), and orientation tow'ards a specific function (facilities * ^ 
manager, product manager, engineering support, marketing and project acquisition • E 
researcher, customer support, etc.). • C 
Worldwide a variety of educational institutions offer programs to cover the various needs. • E 
The spectrum of programs ranges from including all aspects of photogrammetry as pan of a • C 
much wider curriculum to just treating selective photogrammecric topics in short courses. 
Any form of education in photogrammetry however has to cope with the quickly changing Log 
environment of new' disciplines, technologies and tools, w'hich photogrammetry depend\s on com 
and relates to. Therefore any modem curriculum must not be restricted to traditional narrow proc 
issues, but based on a sound foundation of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences ham 
thus giving the inherent flexibility to respond to new developments and to adopt the latest tech 
findings in methods and systems. betti 
The second section of this paper outlines some of the recent advances w'hich have already surv 
show'n a significant impact on photogrammetry and on the surveying profession in general, sciei 
and will continue to do so even more in the future. The consequences for the education phvs 
sector w'hich arise from this situation are briefly addressed in section 3. equi 
Like in some other European countries in Switzerland the University education is organised supp 
differently from e.g. the Unites States. There is only one 4 1/2 year program, which leads, proc 
after passing the Diploma exams, to the degree of Diploma Engineer of Surveying. This Trad 
'program is laid out broader than a Masters program. In the central position of the program lay t 
the major columns cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry and surveying are represented geod 
about equally for each student. Specialisation, e.g. in photogrammetry, is only possible admi 
through the choice of selectives. For all students there is just one unique degree awarded and < 
Strictly speaking, a separate curriculum for photogrammetry, or any other special subject, the j< 
does not exist at our university. " ' ’ healt

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