Full text: Modern trends of education in photogrammetry & remote sensing

VvG Business meetings 
18:o0-2u:3u : 
FRI 14.09.90 
09:00-11:00 : Education of LIS/GIS (WG VI/2 and WG VI/7) 
Chairman: Prof. G. Veis, (GRE) 
The scope and content of educational programs 
in Land and Geographical Information Systems (LIS/GIS) 
G. Barnes, D. Marble (USA) ...... „ „ . 91 
GIS/LIS Education in TU Delft 
M.J.M. Bugaerts (HOL) ~~ 303 
Remote Sensing and GIS education in the United 
States: A prospective of the American Society 
for Photograrnmetry and Remote Sensing 
D.L. Civco, R. Kiefer (USA) . . . . . 3.0s 
Interdisciplinary education in Remote Sensing 
and GIS - The Wisconsin experience 
R. Kiefer. T. Lillesand (USA) . . „ 119 
RS and GIS Education at the University 01 the 
Aegean, Dept, of the Environmental Studies 
J.N. Hatzupoulos (GRE) 3.30 
The new GIS course at NTUA 
J. Badekas (GRE) 1 ¿¡.0 
11:30-13:30 : Education of Remote Sensing ( WG VI/7) 
Chairman: G. Barnes, (USA) 
Photointerpretation and RS education and research. 
Basic characteristics and trends, structure and 
D. Rokos (GRE) „ ........ „ „ 3 43 
Photograrnmetry and Remote Sensing in Civil 
E. Patmios (GP.E) 3 3.3 
: Informati0n retrieval and Technical C0-operati0n 
(WG's VI/4, VI/5 and WG VI/6) 
Proposed ISPRS participation in international 
publication exchange programme 
A. Stewart (HOL) 160 
Education and professional practice. Undefined relation 
E. Kapokakis (GRE) ............................... 3. ¿>5 
15:00-17:00 Education (WG VI/2 and WG VI/7) 
Chairman: G. Konecny (FRG) 
Education .arid training in Cartography 
F. Ormeling (HOL) ........ 175 
The land surveying training in Zambia 
A. Bujakiewicz (ZAM) .............................. 3.83. 
On the significance of projective geometry for 
analytical and digital stereometric restitution 
G. Brandstaetter (AUT) is? 
NOAA satellite station in Greece: Prospects ol 
sr,rl 11 xpin pHnrstinn

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