Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

Any SUP Provider 
Diagram 1 : General overview of the system. 
2 MB Network 
Diagram 2 - Network Structure Of The System 
Each server which is in different places is connected to the 2MB 
or more APAN network using the existing Internet service 
provider. The APAN network is necessary to make sure that it 
supports more bandwidth when servers are added from time to 
The main structure of the APAN network is the Satellite as the 
transmitter. The server allocates individual connection to each 
client. This is to ensure that a proper communication channel 
exists between the server and client. At the client’s site a proper 
interface would be necessary to enable the user to see the 
images transmitted and also to establish connection with a 
The clients need to establish a communication channel with the 
server before they can receive images. This can be done using a 
proper interface by selecting the server or keying the server’s IP 
or names. 
RMS would prove to be an asset in the area of early fire 
detection using satellite as transmission media. RMS would 
have an advantage since it is easy to set up as it uses the 
established communication channel for the purpose of 

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