Full text: Special UNISPACE III volume

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII Part 7C2, UNISPACE III, Vienna, 1999 
“Remote Sensing for the Detection, Monitoring 
and Mitigation of Natural Disasters” 
2:30-5:30 pm, 22 July 1999, VIC Room B 
Vienna, Austria 
ies may be carried out with these sensors and with excellent re 
sults as recently demonstrated with the VEGETATION instru 
ment on SPOT 4, for instance. 
Visual data may be used for monitoring oil spills on the ocean 
based on the difference in colour and reflection properties of oil 
and water. However, the sensitivity is relatively poor and due to 
the light and cloud dependence this application has not been fully 
explored. Similarly, it has been demonstrated that infrared data 
may be used (from aircraft) for this purpose based on the con 
trast between surface temperatures. However, ambiguities stem 
ming from either cooling due to evaporation or heating of the oil 
by the sun make interpretation difficult. This complementary 
techniques is best exploited during night hours. 
It is concluded that visual and infrared techniques are useful on 
their own for monitoring several natural disasters with forest 
fires being a good example of exploiting infrared data, even at 1 
000 m resolution obtained with NOAA AVHRR. The daily cov 
erage offered by this system is an asset. A special feature of the 
visual techniques is the compilation of detailed digital DEM’s 
with satellite systems that include beam-swinging like that of the 
SPOT satellites. 
Active microwave systems are based on the principle of pulsed 
radar carried on a moving platform - aircraft or satellite - where 
an area is scanned by the movement of the radar beam. Two 
systems have proved useful: the real-aperture radar (RAR) where 
the spatial resolution in the flight direction (the azimuth direc 
tion) is determined by the physical dimensions of the antenna and 
the observation geometry (platform altitude and angle of inci 
dence), and the synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) where a fine reso 
lution is obtained by processing the return signals from targets 
recorded as the antenna beam observes them in passing - largely 
independent of the geometry. In both cases, the spatial resolution 
in the across track direction - the range direction - is obtained by 
radiating short pulses w'ith the pulse length determining the reso 
Being microwave systems operating a moderate high frequencies 
(short wavelengths) they both have the advantage of being inde 
pendent of light and weather conditions. Since several natural 
disasters are associated with heavy' clouds the latter is of major 
advantage although heavy rain that occur in the radar beam may 
reduce the sensitivity of the systems. 
Real-aperture radar 
A side-looking radar is a pulsed radar that maps the ground in a 
swath detennined by the antenna, the wavelength and the alti 
tude. Thus, with a ty pical antenna of 2 m by 0.1 m on an aircraft 
at 2 000 m a swath of 1 200 m will result when operating at X- 
band (3 cm wavelength). In the along-track direction (azimuth) 
the spatial resolution is a linear function of the distance to the 
target (range) and becomes in our example 42 in at mid-swath 
where the angle of incidence is 45°. With a pulse length of 0.1 p, 
sec, for example, the resolution at ground in the across-track 
direction becomes 21 m. 
With the azimuth resolution being a function of the range it is 
clear that this relatively simple system is only useful from air 
craft and is therefore often referred to as a SLAR (Side-Looking 
Airborne Radar). It does not require any complicated signal 
processing so that data may be displayed in the aircraft in real 
time and eventually transmitted to a ground station for real-time 
use. Literature gives many examples of this, especially in connec 
tion with monitoring of sea ice for ship navigation purposes and 
ice-dynamics studies. 
In the context of natural disasters SLAR is used for real-time 
detection of icebergs to improve safety of shipping and oil rig 
operations, for instance. 
Another application is detection of oil spills on the ocean and 
monitoring of their drift. I shall discuss this application in a later 
section but it is worth mentioning that a Norwegian surveillance 
system uses SLAR to confirm oil spills that liave been detected 
by means of satellite radar in the Norwegian, the North Sea and 
Skagerak. For this purpose the spatial resolution offered is quite 
A SLAR is a low'-cost system in comparison with a SAR system, 
and potential users should seriously consider a SLAR as a solu 
tion. The inherent spatial resolution may be acceptable in great 
many cases. 
A SLAR does require an aircraft and the operation of an aircraft 
is not weather independent even as of today, as already men 
tioned. Also, the operation requires alternative airport or landing 
strips which may present a problem in remote areas. 
Aircraft operation for regular monitoring is costly and when the 
costs are compared with that of purchasing equivalent satellite 
data, the satellite becomes an attractive alternative. However, 
presently the user does not contribute fund to the implementation 
and operation of the satellite system. In future commercial sys 
tems these fund are embedded in the price for data, but still it 
might be attractive since these implementation and operation 
costs may be shared by many users. 
Synthetic Aperture Radar 
A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a side-looking pulsed radar 
system installed on a moving platform - aircraft or satellite. In 
the along-track direction the resolution is effected by forming a

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