Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September -04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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Czech Technical University Research Programme 210000007 
and 210000019 sponsor this project. 
Figure 4. Screenshot of application PhotoPa 
The work of students on historical object 
documentation within the Photogrammetry 
seminar is a big asset for keeping national 
heritage and culture for next generations. Many 
historical sights are going to ruins and 
disappearing from our maps in this time. 
Historical sights are endangered for several 
reasons, mostly by lack of finance, lack of 
interest and at last - wars, damaging or 
terrorism. In the Czech Republic the most 
limiting factor is lack of money. 
Waldhausl, P., Ogleby,C.: 3*3 Rules 
Cepek, A., Pavelka, K. : The Establishing of Historical 
Monuments Database in the Czech Republic, In: International 
Workshop Recreating the Past-Visualization and Animation of 
Cultural Heritage, Bangkok, ISPRS. 2001, p. 153-158, ISSN 
Soucek.P., Chromy,R.: PhotoPa - database of Czech historical 
monuments, FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, France, 4/ 2003, 
Loucka,J., Dolansky,T., Valentova,M.: Autodesk MapGuide for 
PhotoPa, http://lfgm.fsv.cvut.cz/photopa. 
Valentova,M., Dolansky,T. : Data collecting for project of 
Czech historical monuments documentation, 2001, International 
CIPA Symposium ("Surveying and Documentation of Historic 
Buildings - Monuments - Sites, Traditional and Modern 
Methods") - Potsdam, Germany, proceedings, ISSN 1682-1750, 
ISSN 0256-1840, pp.354-365 
Web system PhotoPa http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/photopa

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