Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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cessing was necessary. Since each scan was exported 
completely, manual editing (deleting of extraneous points, 
e.g. those on the ground around the statue) was necessary 
to confine the point clouds to the area of interest. This 
step reduced the number of points from about 7.4 Mio. 
to about 4.0 Mio. points. The next step was to elimi 
nate points that were erroneous due to distance errors 
occurring along the contour (distance measured too long 
because of averaging with the background due to beam 
divergence). The wrong points occurred in conspicuous 
structures and could be easily detected by displaying 
the scans in different colors (cf. Fig. 4). Nevertheless, 
this step was tiresome and time-intensive. It should be 
avoided by recognizing data errors already in the raw data. 
It turned out to be advisable to subdivide the whole 
point cloud (or rather the object) into two separate areas, 
namely the socket and the actual statue, each of them 
having about 2 Mio. points. This was done because of 
the following reason: The two parts show different surface 
characteristics: The socket can be approximated by 
planes, it has a prismatic shape, whereas the actual statue 
is rather complex and its surface can be best characterized 
by free-form shapes. This seemed to be important when 
using the “reduce noise” operation, because the user 
can choose between “prismatic shapes”, which preserves 
better edges and corners, and “free-form”, which is 
optimized for free-form shaped surfaces. The (horizontal) 
separation-plane was chosen about 2cm above the socket’s 
top surface because the noise around the latter was about 
The point cloud representing the socket was thinned 
out as well as the one representing the sculpture, using a 
uniform sampling of lcm-cubes: This means that space is 
subdivided into equally sized cubical cells, and afterwards, 
all but one point from each cell are deleted. Thus, the 
sculpture’s point cloud was reduced to about 1.4 Mio. 
Because of their simplicity, it is appropriate to describe 
the socket by a set of planes. Therefore, GeomagicStudio 
provides a tool called “detect planes”, which searches the 
point cloud for planes using thresholds/tolerances that 
can be quantified by the user. Due to noise, this tool did 
not work properly. So, the function “capture plane” was 
used instead several times: It determines a set of points 
“belonging” to the plane based upon a manual selection 
of points, which are supposed to lie on a plane. Finally, 
for each plane’s detected point set, the parameters of the 
best fitting plane were calculated. The intersection of the 
mathematically defined planes was done with a simple 
program. The point cloud representing the sculpture had 
to be filtered strongly because the noise was so high that 
the calculation of the triangulation did not make sense yet 
(see Fig. 5). So, the point cloud had to be filtered three 
times (maximum filter setting, unfortunately this is deliv 
ered as black box only). Step by step, outlying points were 
eliminated and the roughness of the data was reduced, 
too. As result, the noise was largely reduced (of course, 
some details were lost and features were smoothed), 
and a curvature-based sampling had become reason 
able. Thus, the point cloud was reduced to 25% (about 
320,000 points). The transition to polygon phase followed. 
The point cloud was triangulated. The triangula 
tion was quite satisfying at the most parts of the object’s 
surface. Nevertheless, especially near the data holes, 
there were gross errors in the triangulation, which had 
to be repaired. For example, the lions at the front part 
of the statue “grew together”. This caused the following 
problem: The program supposed the three lions to be one 
single surface and flipped the surface normal at one whole 
lion because the surface normal got twisted between two 
After coarse editing, the triangles were reduced (50%) 
Figure 5: Triangulation of the unfiltered point cloud. Mea 
surement noise leads to a rough surface representation. 
from about 615,000 to about 307,000 in order to make 
manual editing easier, almost without losing surface de 
tails. This can be achieved, because the triangles already 
represent a surface, and triangles in (approximately) the 
same plane can be combined. 
Then, a very time-intensive manual editing of the 
triangulation followed: Holes and partial holes had to 
be filled, spikes had to be removed, local smoothing was 
performed, eliminating “wrong” features, local reduction 
of triangles in hardly curved regions, refining the triangu 
lation by more triangles in strongly curved regions, and 
other operations like that. One must say that this manual 
editing was necessary because of the shortcomings of the 
triangulation due to using the merge of unordered point 
clouds. The quality of triangulation can be expected to 
be better when having a topology already in the point 
After that, the number of triangles was once more 
reduced to 50% and some fine edits were done. Finally, 
the statue’s surface was represented by 79,634 points and 
155,762 triangles. 
The next step was to enter shape phase in order to 
generate a NURBS representation of the object. Since 
Version 5.0, GeomagicStudio provides a function called 
“AutoSurface”, which automatically produces a patch 
layout necessary to generate NURBS (see Fig. 6). 
The user can decide how much surface detail shall be 
preserved. In this case, the detail should be preserved as 
good as possible. 
The result of the NURBS surface was very satisfying but 
the number of patches was 3,293 causing a file of about 
205 MB (compared to 26 MB for triangulation). Creating 
the patch layout manually would certainly result in fewer 
patches. Of course, a manual patch layout might be a 
little better in certain areas, but the effort would be 
Finally, it must be said that the most time of the 
modelling was necessary to find out which steps had to 
be done and in which order they had to be performed. 
Certainly, this steps applied on this complex statue are 
other ones than when modelling a relatively simple facade. 
The relative high noise required much editing already at

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