Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

U. Weferling 
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Chair Computer Science in Architecture 
Working Group 6 
KEY WORDS: tactile surveying of building detail, consistent computer-aided building surveying, AR/VR 
Computer-aided tacheometry and photogrammetry are used increasingly for surveying building geometry. The use of manual 
methods such as tape, measuring-stick or laser-distance meter are equally widespread for buildings as long as the building geometry 
is reasonably simple. 
However the surveying of building elements with complex geometries (such as a column capital or gothic window) is difficult to 
integrate in computer-aided surveying systems. 
This paper proposes a building surveying approach for this neglected area that employs tactile object surveying in combination with 
classical methods of tacheometry and photogrammetry and so makes the most of both methods. 
In most cases the term building surveying is usually understood 
as the geometric measurement of the building in plan, section 
and elevation. For planning or research purposes a whole series 
of supplementary information is required and typically the 
amount of information required increases and becomes more 
specific as planning or research progresses (Petzold, 2001). 
A geometric survey is undertaken using geodetic or 
photogrammetric measurement systems which have been 
tailored to the needs of building surveying. In general these 
necessitate a degree of technical knowledge and not least 
financial resources. The integration of new technologies such as 
photogrammetry and tacheometry in an integrated surveying 
approach together with manual measurement techniques 
compensates for the main weaknesses in traditional surveying. 
However two fundamental problems still remain: 
A large proportion of measurements do not occur in direct 
contact with the building which means that some 
information will not be noticed, and 
the integration of new technology through an intelligent 
software system does not simplify the use of the measuring 
equipment itself. 
In addition a further element is not considered in the traditional 
up-front survey: the need for increased and more detailed 
specific information during the course of research or planning 
This paper looks at the use and systematic integration of tactile 
surveying methods for geometric surveying in direct contact 
with the building. The essential characteristics and deficits of 
traditional measurement approaches will be investigated as a 
basis for developing a simple concept for surveying building 
detail. Finally, possible means of implementing such a concept 
using existing tactile measurement systems will be examined 
and assessed. 
Traditional building surveying using conventional measuring 
techniques is oriented around producing analogue 
documentation in the form of plan, section and elevation. 
Conventional methods include manual surveying by hand, 
reflector-less tacheometry and photogrammetry. These methods 
have been further developed to suit the IT demands of current 
planning and renovation practice (Donath et al, 2002). 
2.1 Computer-aided manual surveying 
Computer-aided manual surveying using an electronic distance 
meter is the simplest way of quickly and cheaply measuring 
spatial geometry. The following characteristics can be 
The measurement occurs in direct contact with the building. 
The measurements are taken between two surfaces (length 
of a wall, room height, door width etc.) which the distance 
meter is held up against. 
There is a minimum distance measurable, depending upon 
the distance meter. 
Measurements can only be taken between two points in 
direct visual contact with one another. 
Simple spatial constellations (primarily with even surfaces) 
can be measured reasonably effectively and efficiently. 
2.2 Reflector-less tacheometry 
Besides computer-aided manual surveying a common method is 
the use of reflector-less tacheometry. Despite its adaptation to 
the requirements of planning there are still a number of 
disadvantages associated with reflector-less tacheometry: 
The direct contact with the building is lost. 
There must be a direct visual connection between the 
equipment and the point to be measured.

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