Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

castle are extremly important, because they are the 
only ones in Slovenia that have preserved certain 
medieval construction elements. Extensive 
conservation work is being prepared for the ruins, 
therefore the production of metrical documentation 
was essential. From the technical point of view, 
documenting of ruins is difficult, because their 
surroundings are ususally covered in vegetation, 
their locations are difficult to access and there is a 
large danger of crumbling. The use of remote 
measurement is therefore the most suitable. The 
remains of the Vodri castle have all the above- 
mentioned technical properties of ruins. The object 
lies on a hill and is surrounded by a tall forest. The 
technical conditions for photography were very 
difficult, because the lines of sight are steep and 
photogrammetric images are highly oblique. In 
addition to the ruins themselves, the nearby terrain 
had to be measured as well. 
A special method of facade edge measurement was 
created for this project. Due to poor conditions for 
photogrammetry it was not possible to produce 
stereoscopic images, but only a block of convergent 
mono images. The greatest difficulty was the large 
interpretation uncertainty of structure edges. All 
photogrammetric images were taken with a 
Rolleimetric 6006 metric camera.. Mostly from 
surveying and additional photogrammetric 
measurements, a surface model was produced 
(Figure 2). Analogue photographs were scanned and 
included in the photographic-attribute database, 
especially all the important details of medieval 
construction elements. In further work, it will be 
possible to perform simulations of castle 
reconstructions, check hypotheses, prepare 
conservators’ proposals and variant of solutions, 
etc., with such a model, but above all it will be 
possible to monitor all conservation work on the 
4.3 Cistercian monaster in Sti na 
This has been our largest project with respect to the 
extent of documentation prepared so far. At first 
glance, the complex is simple to measure, but its 
size is quite considerable. From surveying and 
extensive photogrammetric measurements we have 
produced an accurate three-dimensional model of 
the monastery’s exterior. The model is basically 
made as a wireframe, but in order to achieve a 
better visual effet, certain parts of the facades were 
made as a surface model (Figure 3). The details of 
external facades (windows, the door, portal, etc.) 
were made in 3D with all the details. The produced 
model will serve for entry of the existing manual 
measurements and supplementing of documentation 
(elements of facades in the inner courtyard, the 
church attic with a preserved upper floor of a 
Romanesque basilica, cloister, etc.). 
4.4 Novo Mesto Chapter Church 
For the production of computer animation of the 
proposal for new location of the tabernacle, we first 
produced a surface model of the presbytery’s 
interior from the existing photogrammetrically 
made plans (ground floor, cross sections). The 
model was equiped with textures in the 3D 
StudiMAX r2 program. The position of the 
tabernacle was changed and the visual effect of this 
change on various views in the room were studied 
(Figure 4). We also produced a virtual stroll through 
the room (on computer and VHS) for the existing 
and the proposed new tabernacle locations. 
We have succeeded in establishing a modem and 
operational concept of documenting objects of 
cultural heritage in Slovenia. The solutions 
constantly needed to be adapted to the specific 
requirements of individual projects, but this made 
work in this field very interesting and creative. 
However, for the time being, the various 
possibilities for the use of such documentation by 
professionals in monuments protection institutions 
are insufficiently exploited, the reason being 
insufficient computer equipment and computing 
knowledge at the regional institutes for the 
protection of the natural and cultural heritage. This 
problem is being dealt with in agreement with the 
Cultural Heritage Office of the Republic of 
Bitelli, G., On the management and integration of 
photogrammetric data and metadata. International 
archives of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 
Perugia, Vol XXXII, Part 6W4, 1998, pp.71 - 74 
Grobovsek J., The measurements project: The path 
towards a systematic approach to cultural heritage 
preservation. Vestnik, Uprava Republike Slovenije

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