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The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics
Chen, Jun

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
ISPRS, Vol.3
tor the identification and location of areas at high risk of change
and subsequent increase in pesticides pollution(Stephen and
Kyehyun, 1993; Vassilisos et. al., 1997). High-resolution digital
remote sensing data have several characteristics that make
them well suited for contributing to pesticides pollution
assessment studies: Computer analysis of multispectral data
allows rapid mapping and monitoring of land cover types and
conditions; Terrain analysis helps to show the hydrological
characteristics of study areas; The regional coverage of
satellite data provides a cost-effective method of rapidly
inventorying extensive areas; Additionally, the digital maps
produced can be readily integrated with other information in a
GIS or used to derive input parameters for mathematical
models that predict the pesticides pollution potential (Mark et.
al., 1992; Hanadi et. al. 1993; Kurt and Robert, 1993; Mark et. al.
1994; Adamus and Bergman, 1995; Nuckols et. al., 1996).
Fig.1 Study area: Kintore Creek in south of Ontario, Canada
year round sc
Branch of th
Ontario, befoi
heavily used |
Table 1. Kint(
Size of sub Wi
Soil types
Soil erosion p
Area under st
Area tile drain
Total forest cc
Total crop are
In the wee
conservation 1
row crops, th<
reduced till pr<
slope stabiliza
eastern sub-\
tillage pract
At present, the efficient cooperation of nonpoint source
(Nitrogen, Phosphorous, etc.) pollution model and GIS model is
main research trend (Heidtke and Auer, 1993). Several studies
have illustrated the role of GIS in supplying data and
information for assessing nonpoint source pollution attributes
and formulating land resource planning and management
strategies. For instance, Newell et al. (1992) created a ranking
of nonpoint source water pollution loads in Galveston Bay,
Texas, using eight land-use categories derived from Landsat
TM data incorporated with soil run-off models rainfall amounts,
and water quality parameters. Subra and Waters (1993)
examined an area of southwestern Louisiana to develop a
prototype nonpoint source pollution model using 15 land-cover
types mapped from TM imagery, watershed, hydrography,
slope, and soil type data. A Connecticut watershed was the
focus of research by Nelson and Arnold (1995). Six categories
of land- cover were extracted from TM imagery and weighted by
their percent of impervious areas to produce current and future
runoff values. Floyd et al. (1998) examined the positive
potential of an existing satellite-based (TM) land-cover data set
(Coastal Change Analysis Program) in a rapidly developing
coastal area for nonpoint source water pollution controlling and
However, few successful studies are found in the integration of
pesticides pollution model with GIS and remote sensing.
Especially, real landscapes are three-dimensional and this
three-dimensionality has a major impact on the hydrologic and
erosional processes occurring on the landscape. Few models
with GIS and remote sensing applications are capable of
accounting for this kind of three-dimensionality (John, 1991).
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how terrain
analysis methods could be applied in pesticides pollution
control model to improve their prediction capabilities and
decrease the time and effort required to assemble the input
data sets. A Pesticides Surface Runoff model was used to
integrate with GIS and remote sensing techniques. The terrain
analysis approach was used to resolve the runoff flow direction
based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) photogrammetrically
derived from aerial photograph. The flow direction as an
important parameter was then input into the pesticides runoff
model to simulate the pesticides losses.
The study area is the Kintore Creek watershed (Latitude:
43°. 189 ~ 43°. 145, Longitude: -81°.075 ~ -80° 995), which has
two adjacent sub-watersheds, in south Ontario, Canada (Fig.1).
The total area of the watershed is 1,288 ha. The
sub-watersheds have nearly equal size, similar highly erodible
landscapes, and cropping patterns. Detailed Kintore Creek
sub-watershed characteristics are listed in Table 1. Both
In this paper
Information C<
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grid-DEM cree
data for the p<
parameters of
ArcView 3.1 C
Slope and asf
on the terrair
For the study c
the effects o
transport to s
Canada and tl
some relative
were also obta
Table 2. Parai
SCS curve
Land slop«
Slope sha|
Field slope
Channel si
Channel si
Cropping f