Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
thoroughly described in (Haralick 1979, Gonzalez and Woods 
2002, Zhang 2001). It is obvious how important it is to include 
some kind of information that tells us whether the values are 
well distributed over the whole matrix, or whether they are 
mostly located close to the matrix diagonals (e.g. Difference 
Moment or Inverse Difference Moment, Equations 5-10 and 5- 
11). In case big values lie close or on the diagonal (Figure 10, 
non-urban), the region under investigation is expected to be 
homogeneous, whereas if the values are distributed more 
homogeneously (Figure 10, urban), the co-occurrence matrix 
corresponds to a heterogeneous region. 
Figure 10: Horizontal and vertical co-occurrence matrices for 3 
different types of terrain. 
Usually the quality of the input data (i.e. imagery and DSM) is 
responsible for erroneous results. It is very difficult for the 
introduced algorithm to produce correct results, if the buildings 
to be extracted does not cover a certain number of pixels. For 
instance, when dealing with IKONOS imagery (with GSD of 
lm) a small house of 8m x 10m will most probably not be 
extracted correctly. 
The procedures discussed in paragraph 2.2 and 2.3 fall into the 
category of feature extraction and make use of the imagery for 
deriving the geometric building properties. 
The general idea is to use a library where characteristic features 
of buildings are stored; by analyzing the image, areas are 
searched that correspond to a high degree to the registered 
“library buildings”. Characteristic features of a building can be 
textural measures (by using the so-called occurrence and co 
occurrence descriptors) or similarity measures of the image 
grey values. 
In this chapter an evaluation of the presented methods is given. 
It consists of a quantitative and qualitative description, and 
moreover shortcomings and weaknesses of the presented 
methods are discussed. 
Since many subsets are examined that are coming from various 
types of line scanning systems, both airborne and spacebome 
(ADS40, HRSC-AX, Quickbird, Orbview, IKONOS, SPOT5), 
their outcomes will not be listed individually. Errors in the 
qualitative evaluation will be given in image space units 
The presented outcomes are divided into two groups: 
quantitative and qualitative results. Moreover, the three 
presented DCM extraction approaches are evaluated 
individually. Input data is subdivided into categories depending 
on image scale and building density (low urban and urban) of 
the investigated areas. Image scale is defined as the scale that 
we would expect from an analogue product, e.g. for a 1:10,000 
product we expect 1-2 metres accuracy in nature, if the 
graphical accuracy and visual perceptivity are 0.1-0.2mm. 
Regarding the mentioned image scales the three interpretation 
categories are: 
1. scale A: 1:1000-1:4000 
2. scale B: 1:4000-1:12000 
3. scale C:< 1:12000 
3.1 Quantitative Assessment of Building Extraction 
The aim in the quantitative analysis is to evaluate whether the 
presented approaches are practical in sense of completeness of 
building detection of the result, i.e. how many buildings were 
actually found. It is investigated whether the techniques for 
finding potential building candidates are applicable. 
Furthermore, an evaluation is carried out to see how many of 
these buildings were extracted and to what a degree: 
• CFB: Correctly Found Buildings, 
• NFB: Not Found Buildings (also includes 
insufficiently mapped buildings: building seed point 
was determined successfully, but the adaptive region 
growing process did not manage to create an area that 
covers a reasonable amount of the object), 
• WFB: Wrongly Found Buildings, i.e. found objects 
were in reality no building exists. 
The calculation of CFB (true positive), NFB (false negative) 
and WFB (false positive) are briefly explained in the following: 
The CFB and NFB percentages are calculated with respect to 
the total number of existing buildings in the area under 
investigation, whereas the WFB is calculated with respect to the 
total number of found buildings (comprising correctly and 
wrongly found buildings). Figure 11 shows the way of 
computing and a numerical example, respectively. 
c .= 
3 -c 
o = 
existing \ 
% of correctly found 
buildings (CFBt 
% of correctly found 
% of not found 
buildings (NFB) 
existing buildings = 100% 
found buildings = 100% 
Figure 11 : Illustration for quantitative assessment computation. 
We consider that the pre-processing has been carried out 
without error, so that the orientation of the imagery and the 
derived orthophotos on which we apply the investigated 
techniques are correct. We will also not evaluate nDSM 
extraction algorithms and their qualities in detail, since this is 
not topic of this research. 
For the evaluation of the outcomes altogether 13 different 
scenes containing 677 buildings were examined. 
Table 2 allocates the quantitative analysis. 
Concerning the level of detail that can be derived from 
individual data sets the Nyquist theorem has to be taken into 
consideration (“Sampling rate must be at least twice as high as

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