Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
2002 STEREO product imagery is done by image co 
registration in ENVI. The 2005 image is resampled according a 
first-order polynomial transformation to geometrically align the 
multi-temporal imagery. A first-order polynomial 
transformation corrects for rotation, translation, scaling and 
shearing. As the orientation of the 2005 image has changed after 
registration, it was necessary to calculate a posteriori RPCs for 
the resampled image, which is not a straightforward task. Ad 
hoc RPC generation was done in collaboration with a team of 
Prof. Dr. Crespi from the Area di Geodesia e Geomatica, La 
Sapienza University of Rome. An algorithm, developed and 
embedded in the software package SISAR (Software per 
Immagini Satellitari ad Alta Risoluzione), makes it possible to 
generate RPCs starting from physical sensor models, image 
metadata, transformation parameters and a set of 15 to 20 
ground control points with known map coordinates (Bianconi, 
2008 and Crespi, 2009). Image coordinates for the GCPs were 
collected on the original and resampled 2005 Ikonos image. 
Based on this method, RPCs could be generated with an 
accuracy of 3.8 pixels in line direction and 5.1 pixels in sample 
4.3 Bundle adjustment for image orientation 
During the bundle adjustment process, the rotation along the 
three axes and position of the sensor during image capturing is 
calculated for all images simultaneously according a least- 
squares matching. At the same time the relationship between 
image and object space is described. To calculate the best fit for 
all images, initial values for internal and external orientation are 
needed though. As no information on the physical camera 
model of Ikonos is released, rational polynomial coefficients, 
provided by the image vendor, are used to calculate initial 
values for internal and external image orientation. The rational 
polynomial function model uses a general polynomial 
transformation to describe the mathematical relationship 
between object and image space, instead of a physical sensor 
model. The rational function model is the ratio of two 
polynomials and is derived from the physical sensor model and 
on-board sensor orientation (Grodecki & Dial, 2003). 
As RPCs are calculated from on-board sensor orientation data, 
satellite ephemeris and star tracker observations, the accuracy of 
image orientation can be refined by using ground control points. 
During a field trip to Istanbul the necessary GCPs for 
photogrammetric processing of the DSM’s were collected in 
close collaboration with the Istanbul Metropolitan Planning 
Centre (IMP-Bimtas). Because accurate large-scale ortho 
images were available for the study area and because of the 
difficulties of GPS measurements in the narrow streets of the 
densely built-up area, an approach was chosen to derive the 
GCP from ortho-images supplemented with 1:5000 scale 
topographic maps. 37 clearly visible GCPs were derived, 
homogeneous distributed over the study area. In total, 17 points 
with known map coordinates and clearly identifiable in all three 
images were used to describe the relationship between the 
imagery and terrain. The a priori geometric accuracy for the 
DSM extraction consists of an overall RMSE value of 0.79 m 
for X residuals, 0.78 m for Y residuals and 2.36 m for Z 
4.4 Epipolar geometry 
Before extracting the surface model, the original images are 
resampled to an epipolar orientation. Y-parallax is removed, 
while leaving the parallax in X-direction unresolved, which can 
be interpreted as height differences. This reduces the process of 
finding conjugate points in overlapping images from a two- 
dimensional to a one-dimensional search algorithm along 
epipolar lines. 
4.5 Multi-image matching 
During the image matching process conjugate features need to 
be found automatically between the overlapping images. The 
surface model can be processed afterwards by calculation of 
height differences based on the measurement of the disparity 
between corresponding pixels. The applied algorithm works 
according a coarse-to-fine hierarchical matching strategy. Image 
pyramids consist of different versions of an image at 
exponentially decreasing resolutions. The bottom level of the 
pyramid contains the original image. The matching results of 
each higher pyramid level are used as approximations in the 
successive, lower level. At each level also an intermediate 
DSM is generated from the matched features and is refined 
through the image pyramid. Based on all data in each pyramid 
level, the matching parameters are fine-tuned progressively. 
The matching algorithm is a combination of feature point, grid 
point and 3D edge matching. This redundancy leads to better 
constraints and more reliable results. Grid point matching is 
especially valuable in areas with less texture where conjugate 
feature points are hard to detect. For each grid point to be 
matched in the first image, the matching algorithm searches for 
the conjugate pixel in the other images that correlates the most 
by shifting a kernel of certain size along the epipolar line. A 
correlation constraint is used to identity possible matching 
candidates. The geometrically constrained cross-correlation or 
GC 3 method is an extension of the standard cross-correlation 
technique (Zhang & Gruen, 2006). In case of more than one 
matching candidate, the information of multiple images, i.e. 
more than two, can provide geometric constraints which assist 
to identify a unique matching solution. 
3D edge matching is extremely valuable when dealing with 
urban areas, as they assist in modelling surface discontinuities. 
Edges are detected by the Canny operator (Canny, 1986). 
During surface model generation the matched edges will be 
taken into account as break lines to avoid smoothing effects. In 
Figure 5, illustrating matched edges in an urban area on Ikonos 
imagery can be seen that the main shape of most of the 
buildings is estimated quite well by detected edges. An 
important source of errors in edge detection is caused by 
building shadows. As shadow areas are being into large contrast 
with the surrounding pixels, edges will be detected at the 
shadow borders. 

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