Full text: Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae

a[ßa] +b[ßß] -\-c [/3y]+ etc. =/3 
a ' [ /3 a ] + b'[l33] + c' [ ß y ] + etc- — /3' 
o"[/3«] +6''[ l 3/3] + e''[0y]+ eto. =/3" 
etc., Ita vt fiat indefinite 
ß v + ß' v ß" v" etc. zz y — B 
Perinde fint y, y, y" etc. multiplicatores iimiies refpectu indeter 
minatae z, puta 
a [yot] + & [y/3]-h c [yy] + etc. = V 
n' [y cc] 4- b'[yß] + c[yy] 4“ etc. zzy 
o"[yci] 4“ ^'[y/3] 4~ c ' [yy] + etc. =y /f 
etc., ita vt fiat indefinite 
yt) 4- y u 4-y 1? 4“ etc * — z — G 
et fic porro. Hoc pacto, perinde vt iam in art. 20. inueneramu» 
2cia= 1, ’S.ab — o, Sciczo, etc., nec non Ealzz— ^ 
etiam habebimus 
Eßa~o } Eßbzzzi, Eßczz o etc., atque Eßl zz — B 
Eyazzo, 2yi» = 0, 2yc= 1 etc., atque Eylzz — C 
et fic porro. Nec minus, quemadmodum in art. ao. prodiit 
Scta = [ctct], etiam erit 
Eßß=-[ßß], Syy = [yy] etc. 
Multiplicando porro valores ipforum cf, a, a etc. (art. 20.IV) 
refp. per (B, (B' t (B" etc, et addendo, obtinemus 
a (B 4" ct B' 4“ ct' ß" etc. rr [aß], fiue E aß zz [aß] 
Multiplicando autem valores ipforum ß,ß',ß"etc. refp. per 
a, a, a!' etc., et addendo, perinde prodit 
aß-\~a ß' -\-a" ß" + etc. = [ßct], adeoque laß] zz [ßa] 
Prorfus fimili modo eruitur 
[cty] = [yct] = Eay, [ßy] = [yß] = S/3y etc. 
Denotemus porro per X, V, X" etc. valores functionum 
v, v, v" etc., qui prodeunt, dum pro x, y, z etc. ipfarum va 
lores maxime plaufibiles A, B, C etc. fubliituuntur, puta 

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