Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Robert M* * De Graaf 
Principal Engineer 
Autometric Operation - Raytheon Company * 
The Stereomat correlation system.- formerly attached to projection type 
instruments, has now been adapted to a modified Wild B-8, By utilizing 
separate scanning tubes for each photograph, raster sizing as a function of 
degree of correlation, and raster shaping to account for photograph geome 
try, orientation, and terrain slope, superior performance is obtained. The 
instrument performs automatic relative orientation, profiling, and contour 
ing, In addition, while operating in the profiling mode, an orthophotograph 
can be developed on an attached printing unit. 
* At the time this paper was written, Mr, De Graaf was employed by 
Hunting Survey Corporation, 
Paper prepared for Commission II of the Tenth Congress of International 
Society of Photogrammetry, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 1964,

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