Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

The French “Institut Géographique National”, sent the required material and 
data, so that, at the beginning of July 1959, it was able to communicate to the Presi 
dency that the distribution had finished. 
Unfortunately, notwithstanding the effort made by the I.G.N. in order to speed 
the distribution as much as possible, it appeared impossible, from the beginning, that 
the whole work of strips triangulation and blocks adjustment would finish in time for 
its complete presentation at the International Congress of the I.S.P. in London, in 
September 1960. 
By the middle of July, the Presidency received the last news before the printing 
of the report presented in London and, at that time, only two Working Centres had 
executed and completed a certain part of the forecasted work: the I.G.N. of Paris 
and the N.R.C. of Ottawa. 
The condition of the work at that time is reported in detail in the Commission III 
report, presented in London. Here, we are, very shortly, summing up the most impor 
tant points. 
Three of the seven participant Centres informed the Presidency that they could 
not start the work before the London Congress. These Centres were: the I.T.C. of 
Delft, the C.A.S.F. of Milano, the E.T.H. of Zürich. 
The Centre of the Ohio State University, U.S.A. communicated the measurements 
had already started, according to the established program, but it was not possible 
to finish the work for the London Congress. 
The German Group of Centres let us know that, after the first period of choice 
and preparation of the material, the work could start some time before the Congress. 
As we have already said, only the I.G.N. of Paris and the N.R.C. of Ottawa 
could communicate some initial results. 
The I.G.N. of Paris had completed the measurements of the photographs ob 
tained by a SOM camera using the Poivilliers type B plotting apparatus. The measu 
rements had been adjusted in planimetry by the stereotemplet method and in height 
by means of two different proceedings: by introducing or not the data of the two 
transversal strips. Some general numerical results had also been communicated. 
The report on the initial results obtained by the N.R.C. of Ottawa Centre is also 
very detailed. The measures for the analytical triangulation of the strips had been 
made by a Zeiss 18X18 stereocomparator, on the photographs obtained by the Wild 
camera. The report contained also some data on the intrinsic accuracy of the strips 
and of the block. 
The presence in London, at the time of the Congress, of all the representatives 
of the Working Centres offered a good opportunity to gather all the persons interested 
in these experimental researches and to debate openly on the problems connected 
with these researches. 
This meeting was held on September 12th in a hall of the London University. 
Besides the President, prof. Gino Cassinis, and the Secretary, the following represen 
tatives of the Working Centres were present: prof. Schermerhorn, for the Centre I.T.C. 
of Delft; prof. Blachut for the Centre N.R.C. of Ottawa; prof. Solaini, for the Centre 
C.A.S.F. of Milano; prof. Zellar for the Centre E.T.H. of Zürich; the Directeur Adjoint 
M. Janicot, for the Centre I.G.N. of Paris; prof. Brandenberger, for the Centre of the 
Ohio State University and prof. Förstner and Ing. Brucklacher, for the German 
Group of Centres.

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