Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

executed with the electronic computer IBM 7040, using two points at the beginning and two at 
the end of the strip. For the second degree adjustment we have employed 9 points, 3 at the 
beginning, 3 in the middle and 3 at the end of the strip; for the computation, a Remington USS 
After the linear and parabolic transformations, the coordinates of the check points have been 
compared with the ground known coordinates. With these differences we have computed the 
values contained in table no. 6, where, in columns 1, 2, 3, there are the number of points, the mean 
and the mean square value of the residual differences on the check points of the planimetrie coordi 
nates after linear transformation, in column 4 the m. s. v. of the planimetrie displacements com 
puted with the formula 
In columns 5 and 6 there are the points number, the mean and the m. s. v. of the discrepancies 
between the Z coordinates of the check points. In the six following columns the values have iden 
tical meaning, but they have been computed using the differences of the coordinates after the 
parabolic adjustment. 
The first and second horizontal sections of the table refer to the results of the independent 
measures I and II. The third section {A) indicates the mean and the m. s. v. of the differences 
of the check points coordinates computed in the I and II measure. 
A summary analysis of this table suggests the following observations: 
a) The remarkably large value of the means of the residual differences after linear transfor 
mation, show the existence of a systematic deformation of the strip; such systematic deformation 
disappears after the parabolic adjustment. 
b) The agreement in value and sign of the means of the Z errors after linear transformation 
in the two independent measures is quite meaningful; it is also in full accordance with the results 
of other bridgings executed with other instruments and published in the provisional report of 
Commission B of O.E.E.P.E., and is an evident indication that the errors depend on systematic 
factors affecting the photographic material. 
c) The m. s. v. of the differences between measures I and II after the parabolic adjustment 
have the same magnitude as the m. s. v. of the residual differences with the coordinates of the 
ground known points. This fact makes us suppose that the above mentioned differences should 
be mainly ascribed to accidental errors of different origin. 
The accidental error in the connection of the models is, perhaps, one of the main causes in 
the formation of the residual errors, particularly in the Z coordinate. The column of the means 
M of the AZ in table no. 5 shows very high values, whose mean square value is 34 cm for the first 
measure and 22 cm for the second. Since these discrepancies do not undergo any change, in con 
sequence of the adjustment by means of a second degree interpolation curve, it is evident that 
these discontinuities between successive models don’t disappear, but remain as local errors of acci 
dental character along the strip. It is obvious that these errors cannot be eliminated by assuming, 
as final value of the coordinate, the mean of the values of the two successive models. In its turn, 
the cause of these errors in the model connection can be found in the following fact: that the only 
point used for the connection between two successive models and for the scale transfer, was indi 
viduated by the operator by means of a photograph; which made uncertain the identification of 
the same point in the two consecutive models. However, the sign agreement of the means of the 
discrepancies, in the two measures, let us suppose that there may also be another systematic cause 
for the model deformation, probably due to anomalies in the photographic material. 
In figures 7 and 8 a graphical representation is given of the residual differences between the 
control points coordinates after the linear transformation and after the second degree adjustment. 
The graphs refer to the II measure. The points used for the linear and parabolic transformations 
are marked with a triangle.

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