Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

/f and&Y exerts influence on the number of repetitions of this cycle. 
It is to be stressed here, that especially for the instruments not 
adequately adjusted or by not proper maintenance of then, the number of 
repetitions is always greater; also the pass to the operations of the 
next cycle may cause, in such cases, the loss of a past of accuracy 
obtained in the previous cycle; such circumstances make the whole opera 
tion more difficult and increase the cost of plotting, 
III^General^characterist.ics^of_the new method 
The new method: 
1/ secures the obserwers work against haphazard. 
2/ defines clearly the sequence of operations, 
3/ reduces the second and the third cycle to the very simple operation, 
which is done almost automatically; in the case when we hawe adequated 
number of passpoints the method enables, 
4/ the additional control of operation by the observer and easy elimination 
of the eventual errors in the field work for determination of passpoints 
from the plotting of successive stereograms of a strip. 
As a result this method is an economical one and gives the same 
accuracy as the well-known methods now in use 
IV. Choice of elements for the orientation of air photographs 
The construction of the Wild A8 autograph fully realizes all the ele 
ments of outer and relative orientation of pairs of aerial photographs 
For the method described here the elements of outer orientatation of 
a single air photograph are essential. 
Generally, the elements of the outer orientation of a single air 
photograph are the following ones: 
V three spatial coordinates /x,y,z/ of-the center of projection; 
the z-coordinate is the flying height /H/ and is aspecially 
important for this method

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