Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

the skillfulness of the operators* But such a kind of efficiency we 
would not prefer in indulstry, in case there may be found some alternative 
not so much differ in efficiency. 
In this paper we will introduce our experiences for analytical aerial 
triangulation in routine work during these 4 years under measuring system of 
pricking device and monocular comparator. This system is also reported 
being adopted in U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and nowhere. The funder- 
mental conception why we have adopted this system was only deduced from a 
standpoint how to get the decisive moment to introduce the analytical method 
in practical work under unfavourable conditions especially surrounded by 
the conservative skillfulness, not depending on them and under investment 
not so expensive. But executing this system, we have learnt that this 
system is usefull and adequate for commercial industry. And it seems that 
the expected improvements of efficiency and accuracy of analytical photo- 
grammetry will only be attained by this system in routine production of 
commercial industry. The original of this paper of which manuscript have 
been presented to the secretary of the Commision III of S.I.P. has had 
too much volume and we could not make its printing. So the volume was 
reduced to about one third of the original and its printing was made as 
this paper. In other chance, we would like to publicate the original in 
complete form in some journal. 
2. State of execution from the beginning 
On the occasion of the last congress at London I960, I presented a 
paper "A Short Report of a Practical Method for Analytical Aerial Trian 
gulation". It was just at that time that the analytical method had been 
making its first step. One year preceding, we adopted a method, calling 
it semi-analytical, which very much improved the efficiency of aerial 
triangulation by Autograph A7 in our factory. After two years exercises 
for electronic computer in computing service center to meet the corres 
pondingly high demand of computation for aerial triangulation of daily 
work, we settled our own computer NEAC 2203» Since then—June 1961 — 
the method has bean, step by step, digested in routine work always show 
ing its selfprogressing. 
In Fig.1 we show the steady steps of our aerial triangulation as 
seen from the number of models digested in our factory per month, referr 
ing as possible the statistical records which are available yet at

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