Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Schmid, Dr. Hellmut H., "A General Analytical Solution 
to the Problem of Photogramme try," Report No. 1065, 
Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, 
Maryland, July 1959- 
0. von Gruber, "Photogrammetry, Collected Lectures and 
Essays," Chapman & Hall, London, 1932. 
Harris, W. D., Tewinkel, G. C., and Whitten, C. A., 
"Analytic Aerotriangulation," Technical Bulletin No. 21, 
U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, July, 1962. 
Doyle, Frederick J., "The Historical Development of 
Analytical Photogrammetry," Photogramme trie Engineering, 
v XXX, n 2, p. 259, March, 1964. 
Grade, Prof. Gordon, "An Index to Publications in the 
English Language Pertaining to Aerotriangulation in Space," 
Photogramme trie Engineering, v XXX, n 2, p. 312, March, 1964. 
Woodcock, Crd. L.F., and Lampton, B. F., "Measurement of 
Crustal Movements by Photogramme trie Methods," forthcoming 
in Photogramme trie Engineering, presented March, 1964. 
Schut, G. H., "Transformation and Adjustment of Strip 
Coordinates by Electronic Computation" National Research 
Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1961. 
Mikhail, Edward M., "Use of Two Directional Triplets in 
a Sub-Block Approach for Analytical Aerotriangulation," 
Photogramme trie Engineering, v XXIX, n 6, p. 10l4, 
November, 1963.

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