Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

BERTRAM, SIDNEY. "The Universal Automatic Map Compilation Equipment. " 
Fhotogrammetric Engineering. March 1965. 
BERTRAM, SIDNEY. "Automation of Stereo Compilation. " ASP Annual Meeting 
Papers. 10-15 March 1968. 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen. Karlsruhe, West Germany. 1967: P1780F; 
1966: Issue No. 2. 
BURZYNSKI, EDWARD F. "UNAMACE Tests. " Fhotogrammetric Engineering. 
March 1967. 
CARROLL, J. M. The Story of the Laser. New York: E. P. Dutton and 
Company. 1964. (Also Selected Bibliography at end of publication. ) 
"Computational Trade Offs in the Design of a One Micron Comparator. " 
Melbourne, Florida, USA: Duane C. Brown Associates publication. 
DeVELIS, J. B. and REYNOLDS, G. O. Theory and Applications to Holography. 
Reading, Massachusetts, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 
1967. (Also References at end of publication.) 
DIELLO, JOSEPH. "The Development of An Automated Cartographic System. " 
ACSM Annual Meeting Papers. 10-15 March 1968. 
HAINES, K. A. and HILDEBRAND, B. P. "Multiple-Wavelength and Multiple- 
Source Holography Applied to Contour Generation. " Journal of the 
Optical Society of America. 1967: Vol 57, No. 2, p 155. 
Jena Review. Jena, East Germany: Carl Zeiss. 1966: Special Issue. 
KNAUF, J. W. "The Stereo Image Alternator. " Fhotogrammetric Engineering. 
October 1967. 
LAWRENCE, C. H. and POWELL, R. W. "Map Compilation with Orthophotog 
raphy. " ACSM Annual Meeting Papers. 10-15 March 1968. 
LINK, ADAM. "The Semi-Automatic Stellar Comparator. " Semi-Annual ASP/ 
ACSM Convention. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. October 1967. 
Manual of Fhotogrammetry. M. M. Thompson, ed. Falls Church, Virginia, USA: 
American Society of Photogrammetry. 1966: Ch XII, XIII, XIV, and XV - 
Selected References. 
ROOS, MAURITS. "Variscale Stereo Point Marking Instrument. " Fhotogram 
metric Engineering. 1967: Vol 33, No. 11.

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