Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Lausanne, 9-20 July 1968, 
Commission IV. Application of Photogrammetry for Surveying the Earth s Surface, 
Group of Interest IV/1. Surveying and mapping for cadastral, agricultural and forestry engineering. 
Working Group IV/1 for the International Controlled Photogrammetric Experiment Pecnÿ 1966-1968, 
by Sven G. Möller, 
At the X:th International Congress of Photogrammetry in Lisbon 1964 Commission IV stated in its resolution: 
IV, 1 COMMISSION IV "Application of Photogrammetry for Surveying and Mapping of the Earth's Surface" 
deals with the practial application of methods and instruments of which the scientific and technical development 
is studied furthered by other Commissions, -------- 
IV. 2 The very efficient photogrammetric methods cannot often be used to solve urgent large-scale surveying and 
mapping problems, because of the lack of the basic ground control of required quality and density. 
Commission IV is of the opinion, that in order to speed up the establishment of control nets, in addition to the 
modern field techniques, photogrammetric procedures should be used. It is therefore suggested, that competent 
commissions of ISP and other international bodies should study this important problem and carry out the necessary 
investigations in order to supply most neéded information in this area. Possible use of super wide angle photography 
should be considered. 
IV. 3 The Commission IV recommends that an investigation and experiments may be performed concerning accuracy 
criteria applicable in photogrammetric practice. 
For this purpose the pertinent information should be collected first, 
but also with Commission IIT, at the Lisbon Congress 1964 and at the Conference of Urban Photogrammetry 1965 in 
Paris, The work should be concentrated upon an important question of common interes, accuracy criteria. A Propo- 
sal for an International Controlled Photogrammetric Experiment was presented by the Group of InterestIV/1. 
It was discussed and decided upon at the meeting 1966 in Bad Godesberg with all the commissions of the ISP and at 
the Symposium 1966 of Commission IV in Prague. 
We thank all participants in this Experiment for their valuable contribution, their comments and their special investi- 
gations. We will especially mention Prof. Dr. R.S. Halonen and Dipl. Eng. Aino Savolainen Finland, for their study 
of the film distortion in this Experiment. Their report, "On The Deformation Of Polyester film. A study of the defor- 
mations of polyester base film used in the international controlled photogrammetric experiment PECNY ~ 1966-1968" 
is attached to our report, 
Mr. Skiadal and his cooperators arranged the test -field Pecny in Czechoslovakia, photographed it from three different 
flying heights and prepared 30 sets of diapositives. 
Rikets allmánna kartverk in Stockholm supported our work, as did Svenska Reproduktionsaktiebolaget, Mr. Ternryd and 
Mr. Adolfsson at Vig- och vattenbyggnadsstyrelsen helped us with punching of data and in other ways. 
Lantmáteristyrelsen facilitated our work and contributed to it in many ways.

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