Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Aerial photographs should be taken above a region which could be 
overflown with the agreement of the country concerned. 
Competitions for plotting, allowing the comparison of methods and 
equipments, should take place at a fixed date in a fixed town, under super- 
vision of an international jury, each constructor wishing to take part in the 
competition supplying his own machines and operators. 
Ground control survey and check-work on the ground after plotting 
should be insured under conditions to be fixed by the International Jury. 
Paris, November 1952 
Mr. R. Daniel 
Secretary of the Committee. 
Mr. G. Poivilliers 
Membre de l’Institut 
President for Committee II. 

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