Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

g) Not at all. 
h) No particular maps. 
i) The general maps for tourism are on scale 1:400 000 and has 
no connection with photogrammetry. 
[) In planning water-power buildings there is used the method 
of two scales on the same flight. The area 1n question 1s taken on scale 
1:20 000 using the Topogon f — 10 em lens and simultaneoasly on the 
scale 1:10 000 using the Orthometar, f = 20 cm lens at the altitude of 
2000 m. 
Using the former pictures there are made the preliminary investiga- 
tion, completed the net of control points by stereoscopic triangulation 
and made the preliminary planning map 1:10 000 of the whole cowered 
area with contour lines of 5 m. The pictures 1:10 0000 are used for the 
more detailled investigation and for the stereoscopic restitution of the 
final map on 1:2000 with contour lines of 1 m of the necessary limited 
a) Two public organizations: General Survey Office and Top. 
Sect. of H.-Q. Staff execute photogrammetric surveys for the present. 
b) About 10 diplomed engineers, 20 technicians and as much dra- 
wers and other assistants are working in these photogrammetric organi- 
c) Both organizations, General Survey Office and Top. Sect. 
of H.-Q.Staff make the photogrammetric works only. The Air Forces 
execute all photographic flights. Except for the governemental use both 
organizations carry out photogrammetric works to the privat users too. 
d) In general the customers order the maps directly from the 
organizations but some times in bigger works the undertakers oider the 
rectified photos, mosaics and restitution works from the air survey or- 
ganizations and make them selves the preliminary ground works, as 
measuring of the check lines and control points putting it to the custo- 
mers account. 
€) At the end of the year 1951 the whole area covered by ar 
pictures mainly on 1:20 000 was 217000 km?, controlled mosaics were 
totally prepared on 1:20 000 81400 km?, on 1:10 000 37000 km? and on 
1:5000 4800 km?. Redressed single photographs or photo sheets (B.1b.) 
1:4000 were made 70000 km?. The yearly production is: airphotography 
mainly on 1:20 000 about 25000 km?, controlled mosaics on 1:20 000 
about 5000 km?, on 1:10 000 7000 km?, on 1:5000 about 400 km? and 
94 — 

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