Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

itzkirch (Luzern). 
ture, for instance 
? and *Objecuv" 
veden, Spain, and 
pplication to add 
. One sample was 
the Polish transla- 
asked in ambassa- 
ia in Moscow for 
ussia is no possibi- 
on transmitted to 
american, German, 
> soon the transla - 
yrtugal. Only then 
dictionary in eight 
expenses arose for 
r the dictionary: 
... 44 Dollar 
... 11: Dollar 
of the photogram- 
ur sincerest thanks 
Jeerbrugg, for the 
mission VI submits 
ty, whose language 
yresentative for the 
6272 words require 
different languages, 
betical registers the 
is to be looked up 
al photogrammetric 
contains the alpha- 
s include the words 
eir translations into 
«binding and paper 
hich language shall 
these 6272 words, alphabetically ordered, appear beside the key-numbers in 
the two volumes mentioned above? 
2) Will the American terms be taken as a ninth language, or only be printed 
those words, which are different from the English? 
3) Are there to be printed additional booklets containing only the key-numbers 
from 1 to 6272, where beside each number sufficient space is to be provided, 
so that every nation whose language does not appear in the dictionary, could 
use it by adding their terms in this additional booklet? 
4) It is proposed that the delegate, nominated by each nation, accepts subscrip- 
tions, so that we might have, as soon as possible, a general view about how 
many copies of this dictionary will be sold. 
5) The dictionary could be also carried out in the following way: in one vo- 
lume are four and in the second five languages collected. In this case it is 
still to be decided which languages should be combined in each of these two 
volumes. For this variant the expenses of production mentioned above would 
rise to 
11.500—12.500 Dollar 
because in this case each of the two volumes had 275 pages instead of 200. 
Out of this accomplishment would result the disagreeable fact, that the 
demand for these both volumes were unequal. 
As a preparation for a final meeting of all the delegates nominated by the 
societies we ask and invite them for the following: the design of an alphabetical 
register in the language of each delegate with the key-number of every single 
word in addition (according to the examples distributed), stating also the thou- 
sands of the key-numbers, which were to be recognised up to now out of the color 
of the numbers. At this meeting each delegate would then have in hands his 
alphabetical register and the 10 fasciles with the sheets ordered according to 
the key-numbers. So it is possible that all the other delegates can look up in 
their orders the word put in question, when a delegate wants to speak about a 
certain term. Besides of this we need those alphabetical registers in different 
languages for the first volume in any case. 
Finally we want to express our most cordial thanks to all the collaborators 
of the different societies who assisted and supported our work in the kindest 
way. Furthermore we may ask those societies who have been unable to deliver 
their reports up to now, to send their papers as soon as possible. 
And particularly we ask and hope that all the experts might continually 
support the accomplishment of the multi-lingual dictionary. 
Aperçu historique de la Photogrammétrie en Belgique. 
1.5; Avant 1929. 
Pendant cette période, la photogrammétrie donne lieu à des études, théori- 
ques et pratiques, mais la méthode n’est pas exploitée industriellement. 
M. Dehalu, professeur à l’Université de Liège, construit dès 1903 une cham- 

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