Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

Separate from: Fotogrammetriska Meddelanden. Volume II, No. 2, 1952. 
Communication from the Swedish Society of Photogrammetry through 
B. Hallert and P. O. Fagerholm. 
During the four years that have passed since the congress in the Hague, 
Swedish photogrammetry has been steadily developing. Aerial photogram- 
metry is more used than ground photogrammetry, but the latter has devel- 
oped to embrace more and more domains. However only aerial photo- 
grammetry has yet received a fixed organization. On the following pages 
a summary of this development will be given, in which the use of aerial 
photogrammetry for civil mapping purposes will first of all be treated. 
The research work in connection with this will be touched upon, and 
further, attention will be given to the special domains of application of 
It seems convenient to insert at this point a list of the literature pub- 
lished in Swedish photogrammetry during the period mentioned. The 
following account will then refer to the numbers given in the list. 
List of Photogrammetric Publications in Sweden during the Period 1948—1952. 
ADAMS-RAY, J—HJELMSTRÔM, P.: Mécanisme de l’action du blocage du sym- 
patique sur l’oedème traumatique. La Presse Médicale 1951/Sept. No. 59. 
. ADAMS-RAY, J.: En medicinsk användning av fotogrammetrin. Tekn. tidskr. 1952/12. 
ANDRÉN-—WELANDER: Fotokartor i praktiskt skogsbruk. Norrlands skogsvärds- 
fôrbunds tidskr. 1948/1. . 
BERGHAGEN, Nils: Photogrammetric Principles ‘Applied to Intraoral Radiodontia. 
(Thesis). Stockholm 1951. 
BJERHAMMAR, A.: Rymdtriangulering for fotogrammetriska ändamäl. Sv. Lantm. 
tidskr. 1950/1, 27 pp. 
BACKSTRÔM—WELANDER: En preliminär undersôkning rôrande môjligheterna att 
skilja olika tridslag pa flygbilder. Sv. skogsvárdsfóreningens tidskr. 1948/3. 
EKELUND, L.: Modelltriangulering — en ny metod fór fotogrammetrisk stommätning. 
Fotogram, medd. 1950/II. 
FAGERHOLM, P. O.: Den fotografiska upplósningsfórmágan ur flygfotografisk syn- 
punkt. Fotogram. medd. 1950/II No. 1, 18 pp. 
FAGERHOLM, P. O.: Vertical Control Determination with Statometers and Heli- 
copter — A Suggestion. Photogram. Engin. 1950/4. 
FAGERHOLM, P. O.: Mechanical Radial Triangulation. Photogrammetria 1951—1952/1. 
FAGERHOLM, P. O.: A Study of Mechanical Radial Triangulation and some Related 
Problems in Modern Mapping. (Thesis) Stockholm 1952. 
GOTHNER—HAGEN-—HANSSON: Ett fórsók till virkesmátning medelst fotogram- 
metriska metoder. Norrlands skogsvárdsfórbunds tidskr. 1950/2, 13 pp. 

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