Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

travaux actuels et futurs. Nous avons essayé d’organiser les séances de manière 
à vous offrir la possibilité d’y participer et d’y contribuer de la façon la plus 
méthodique et plus profitable pour tous. 
Je voudrais souligner que le succès du Congrès dépend du travail de tous les 
participants. Notre intention est de donner à tout le monde l’occasion de faire 
de son mieux. Pour donner à cette première assemblée du Congrès une atmo 
sphère plus brillante, plusieurs hautes personnalités, y compris des représen 
tants du gouvernement de sa Majesté nous ont honoré de leur présence. Nous 
leur sommes très reconnaissants. Finalement, qu’il me soit permis de rendre 
hommage à toutes les dames ici présentes, car je ne peux plus supprimer la pal 
pitation de mon coeur à la vue d’une si éblouissante concentration de beauté 
The speech of Mr. Mogensen: 
On behalf of the International Society for Photogrammetry I ought to thank our Swedish 
member society for the invitation that we received in Washington about four years ago to hold the 
VIII International Congress here in Stockholm, but I must confess that I now after those four 
years feel more or less as a host myself. 
The time which has passed since the VII International Congress of Photogrammetry in Wash 
ington 1952 shows a strenuous and, as far as we can judge, very successful scientific and practical 
photogrammetric activity. The evidence of this is the abundance of papers and reports, which have 
been sent in to this Congress, and which surpass by far, what we dared expect, both concerning 
their number and contents. During this period, photogrammetry has also found a still wider field 
of application and can with good reason be said to have attained a key position, as an important 
instrument in the economic development of the world. This key position engages us to continue 
our efforts to make the best use of the resources of photogrammetry. It is with this aim that we 
have prepared and organized this Congress. 
The fact that six more nations have been accepted as members of the ISP during the passed 
period of four years shows that the ideas, on which our Society has founded its activity, have won 
an increased estimation. 
During the period of four years, which has now come to an end, the members of the Council 
were assembled for deliberations in Paris, 1953, and in Switzerland, 1954. In connection with these 
deliberations, sessions were also organized for the Commission Boards of certain Commissions and 
for representatives of several photogrammetric institutions. We have been specially anxious to 
establish a close and friendly collaboration with the OEEPE. 
The different assemblies, specially those held in Switzerland, have given me an insight into the 
w r ork of the Boards of the seven Commissions. I have later on seen more of that work and must 
confess that I am really impressed by what I have seen. The success of the Congress depends in 
fundamental parts on the work of the Commissions. As far as I can judge, we are very much 
indebted to the Commission Boards for a very heavy and splendidly executed work. 
It is with great pleasure we find that the »controlled tests», decided in Washington, have been 
partly carried into effect. We must, however, not consider this activity as concluded. On the 
contrary, it forms the first step on a new line of ISP activity between Congresses. 
As a result of our labour we have managed to assemble in Stockholm the very essence of the 
most famous and most competent photogrammetrists of today. It is a very great honour for us 
to have you assembled here. But it is also a responsibility. It has been our main purpose in 
preparing this Congress to do it so that you can have profit in your work from the Congress. We 
have tried to organize the conferences so that you should be able to plan your participation to get 
the best out of it — and to give yonr best too. I will underline that the success of the Congress 
depends on your own work. Our work has aimed at making it possible for you to give of your best. 
To give the first general meeting an extra atmosphere of splendour a number of very prominent 
members of His Majesty’s Government and official authorities have honoured us by their presence. 
We are very grateful. 
Last but not least I cannot suppress the fast beating of my heart in seeing the concentration 
of female beauty here assembled. 
The President then gave the floor to Mr. IIj. R. Nilson, the representative Hj. R. Nilson 
of the Government, who had promised to open the Congress. 
Le Président donne la parole à M. Hj. R. Nilson, qui en sa qualité de représentant du 
gouvernement s’est chargé d’ouvrir le Congrès. 
Photogrammetry, which was earlier a hobby for enthusiasts, has during the 
last decades come more and more into the foreground as an important means 
for the solution of various problems of society.

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