Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Page No. 
Acker 330 
Ackerl 343, 348 
Adams-Ray 300, 301 
Ahrend 133, 136, 138 
Andrews 256, 274, 286 
Attwell Ill, 130, 137 
Axelson 341, 346 
Ahstrand 48, 150 
Baboz 120, 209, 210 
Bachmann 75, 163, 169, 172, 175, 211, 227 
Baeschlin 33 
Baetslé 148, 224 
Bartorelli 238, 240, 245 
Barvir 310, 317, 318 
Bauersfeld 80 
Baussart 257 
Bean 178 
Belfiore 251, 253, 287 
Berchtold 257 
Berghagen 301 
Bertele 45, 117 
Bertschmann 175 
Bjerhammar 156, 217, 242 
Blachut 77, 174, 231, 236, 244, 256, 261, 285 
Blesh 299 
Boaga 77, 287 
Bonneval 221, 228, 240 
Boon 344 
Brock 116, 132, 145, 153 
Brown 123 
Brown R LI 66, 72, 80, 82 
Brucklacher 121 
Buchholtz 153, 223, 284 
Burkhardt 302, 304, 310 
Bäckström . 143, 145 
Caputo 297 
Carman 123 
Cassinis 80 
Cattelain 289 
Chariot 297 
Chervet 161 
Coleman 79, 319, 330, 346, 352, 353 
Corten 112, 116, 137, 153, 158, 186 
Cruset 75, 107, 117, 122, 129, 130, 131, 132 
137, 139, 143, 150, 153, 154, 159, 311 
Cucek 210 
Cude 163 
Cunietti 198 
Czerski 248 
Damaye 211 
David 110 
Davidson 325, 330 
Deker 164 
Divelec, Le 167, 212, 261, 279 
Dolezal 25 
Doré 283 
Dowson 66, 82, 244 
Doyle 130, 153, 159, 213, 268, 313 
Dubuisson 207,' 257, 261, 275 
Page No. 
Ekelund 233 
Engelmann 298 
Fagerholm 19, 47, 82, 149, 248, 258, 334 
Fairbanks 294 
Finsterwalder 272, 274 
Fish 127, 142, 148 
Flandrin 321 
Folkers 197 
Fontguyon de 154 
v Fry tag Drabbe 346 
Gamble 176. 278, 286 
Gasslander 316 
Geogr Surv Off 127 
Giranio 208 
Gotthardt 250 
Green 332 
Hackman 329 
Hagberg N 275, 340, 350 
Hagberg S 302 
Hagsten 107 
Hallert . . 121, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 159, 168, 170 
188, 212, 219, 242, 244, 282, 284, 285, 307, 313, 355 
Halsman 298 
Hauser 330 
Heath 327 
Helava 237 
Hjelmström 114, 141, 142, 301 
Hothmer 203, 250, 312 
Howlett 109, 154 
Hubeny 287 
Hurault 80, 170, 213, 214, 232, 286 
Häberlin 163, 170 
Harry 80, 170, 261, 262, 266, 273 
Ingelstam 141 
Jackson 115, 116 
Janicot 80, 214, 231, 261, 285 
Kamp 307 
Kasper 277 
Kauffman 46 
Kemp 330 
Kent 325 
Klintmalm 234 
Konchine 151, 153, 158 
Kowalczyk 260 
Krames 314 
Lamboit 153 
Landen 315 
Laurila 154 
Lehmann 264 
Lemaire 213, 305 
Lindskog 314 
Losee 330, 339, 345, 351 
Lundgren 29 
Lycken 194 
Löscher 165 

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