Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Item 8. Main features of the budget. 
The Treasurer reported that there would probably be a balance between in 
come and expenditure. The Member Societies had almost fully paid their fees 
during the 4-year period, amounting to 24 000 Swedish Kronor. The number 
of registrations for the Congress was steadily rising above the calculated number. 
On the income side there was also the exhibitor’s fees, a contribution of 50 000 
Sw. Kr. from the Swedish Government, a contribution of 10 000 Sw. Kr. from 
the Fund for Forestry Research and 3 000 Sw. Kr. from some forestry companies. 
Sale of the Archive and certain advertisements were also estimated to provide 
some income. The expenditure was calculated to be very large. The premises 
cost about 25 000 Sw. Kr. for rent, and the publication of the Archives would 
be very expensive. The Treasurer concluded with the hope that there would 
not be a deficit. 
Item 9. Which country shall be entrusted to organise the next Congress? 
The President announced that a written invitation had been received from the 
two British Societies to organise the IX International Congress of Photo- 
grammetry in London in 1960. 
The Chief Belgian Delegate also announced that his country would be 
interested to organise the next Congress, but the authorisation of the Belgian 
Government to issue the formal invitation was expected a few days later. 
Germany also expressed interest in arranging the Congress but did not 
want to insist in view of the offer made by Britain. The Chief British Delegate 
stated that the English Societies would very much like to hold the next Congress 
in London but would not mind if some other country was appointed this time. 
It was decided to settle the question at the Delegate Meeting on the next day. 
Item 10. Principles for discussion of the motions Nos. 1—11/1956. 
The proposal of the Administration to postpone to the next meeting motions 
that tended to lead to long discussions was accepted. 
Item 11. Principles for treatment of »new» motions. 
The proposal of the Administration according to the Agenda was adopted and 
a »preparation group» consisting of Harry, Reading and the Secretary-General 
was appointed. 
Item 12. Motion No. 1/1956. 
The Delegate Meeting decided to propose to the General Assembly that 
Harry and Hurault be appointed Honorary Members of the ISP. 
Item 13. Motion No. 2/1956. 
The motion was adopted, but the question would be taken np again according 
to plan, on revision of the Statutes. 
Item 14. Motion No. 3/1956. 
The motion was adopted. 
Item 17. Motion No. 6/1956. 
After a short discussion revealing divergencies of opinion on the need foreseen 
by the Administration and others for a certain revision or completion of the 
Brock Statutes, the Delegate Meeting decided to appoint a committee consisting 
of Brown, Harry, Janicot, Moller, Reading, and Schermerhorn for examination 
of these statutes. 
Item 22. iMotion No. 11/1956. 
Harry stated, without any reference to the proposals before the meeting, that 
the number of honorary members should be limited, for instance by electing 
a maximum of one or two at each Congress. This proposal might be included in 

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