Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Sweden 5 
Economic Map Division 
Topographic Map Division 
Photogrammetric Division 
1 Chief 
8 Cartographers 
40 Technical assistants 
2 Draughtswomen 
Dire ctor-in- 
-chie f 
Photogrammetric Order Division 
1 Chief 
5 Cartographers 
25 Technical assistants 
5 Draughtswomen 
Geodetic Division 
Military Division 
General Division 
Fig. 1. The Organization of the Geographical Survey Office. 
In all, about 100 of the office employees are engaged on wholly pho- 
togrammetric tasks, while a further 200 or so are using photogrammet 
ric material for theirs. 
The aircrafts at the disposal of the Office for aerial survey photo 
graphy are based on the Norrtalje aerodrome (75 km north of Stock 
holm). A part of the staff photographers are attached to the aerodrome 
also during the winter to lock after the aeroplanes, cameras, etc. The 
planes are serviced by a private firm, AB Svensk Flygtjanst. 
Special teams are temporarily constituted and detached for flying 
operations during the photography season. Each team generally con 
sists of two assistant cartographers as photographer and pilot respecti 
vely and two mechanicians from AB Svensk Flygtjanst. 
Planes, Instruments and Methods. The Geographical Survey Office 
has four planes of its own. Two of these are of the Focke Wulff type, 
delivered in 1944, and two of the Siebel type, delivered in 1947. In view 
of the age, wear and limited radius of action of the two former machi 
nes, only one of them can probably be used for air surveys in future. 
To supplement the second Focke plane and to cover the present need of 
more planes, the Geographical Survey Office rents two machines of the 
Junkers 86 type from the Swedish Air Force. Data of the airplanes now 
available to the Office are given in Table 7.

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