Sweden 19
inserted into the animal’s liver so as to mark the points of a polyhedron,
they calculated the volume of this. The mean error of the volume varia
tions under different physical conditions was slightly below 1 c /c of the
total volume. ;
Several odontological photogrammetric investigations have been
made. Stereo-photogrammetry has for instance been used for taken
measurements roentgenologically in the maxillary region, for the deter
mination of swellings [47] and for capillar microscopy, this last also
being adopted for clinical use.
List of Photogrammetric Publications in Sweden during the
Period 1952—1955
1. Adams-Ray, JEn medicinsk användning av fotogrammetrin. Teknisk Tidskr.
1952:12. (An application of photogrammetry in medicine).
2. — Mécanisme de l’action du blocage du sympathique sur l’oedème trauma
tique, une étude photogrammétrique. Atti della Riunione Internazionale
di Angiocardiochirurgia. Torino.
3. — Oedème post-traumatique local et maladie post-operatoire. 1er Congrès
International d’Angelologie et d’Histopathologie. Rapport. (Gaz. Méd.
Tome 59, Octobre 1952).
4. Ekclund, L.: Photogrammetric Triangulation with Separately Orientated
Stereo Models. Photogrammetria 1951—52:4.
5. Fagcrholtn, P. O.: A Study of Mechanical Radial Triangulation and some
Related Problems in Modern Mapping. Thesis, Stockholm 1952.
6. Hagberg, N.: Aerial Photographs in the Service of Forestry. Memorandum
from the Committee on Forestral Photogrammetry, Stockholm 1951.
7. — Das Luftbild im Dienste der Forstwirtschaft. Bericht des Ausschusses
für forstliche Photogrammetrie, Stockholm 1951.
8. — Flygbilden som skogskarta. Skogen 1952:3—3*. (The aerial photograph
as map in forestry).
9. Plallert, B.: Specialfotogrammetri. Teknisk Tidskr. 1952:12. (Non-topogra-
phic photogrammetry).
10. — Fotogrammetri I. Elementa 35, 1952 :2. (Introduction to photogrammetry).
11. PIallert, B. och Fagerhohn, P. O.: Seventh International Congress and Ex
position of Photogrammetry, Commission V, Special Applications and
Measurements, General Report. Stockholm 1952. Fotogrammetriska med-
delanden. Band II, hafte 2. Inst. f. fotogrammetri, KTH. (Periodical
12. Lindskog, L.: Fotogrammetrin i skogsbruket. Tekn. Tidskr. 1952:12. (Photo
grammetry in forestry).
13. Möller, S. G.: Nägra geodetiska och fotogrammetriska instrument. Intryclc
frân en studieresa hösten 1951 genom Tyskland, Belgien och Holland.
Sv. Lantm. tidskr. 1952, sid. 151—163. (Some geodetic and photogram
metric instruments).
14. — Die bisherige photogrammetrische Versuchswirksamkeit des schwedischen
Landmessungswesens. Photogrammetria VIII 1951—52:3, sid. 127—136.
(Photogrammetric experiments up to now in the Swedish land survey).