etc. Some of this occurred in organizations where photogrammetric
mapping and photographic interpretation work were being carried on
simultaneously over the same area; however, equipment such as stereo
projection plotters are in use for photographic interpretation work apart
from topographic map requirements.
2. Continuing progress was made during the reporting period in improving
the basic equipment of photographic interpretation. Development effort
was directed toward designing stereoscopes with improved optics and
variable magnifications. New monocular magnifiers and new-type measur
ing scales were developed.
3. A whole family of supplementary equipment and devices for the photo
graphic interpreter came into being. Much but not all of the emphasis
was on inexpensive portable equipment, designed to give rapid solutions
of photographic interpretation problems with moderate accuracies.
Fig. 1. This experimental table-top size stereo-projector developed for the U. S. Navy, permits two
or more viewers to study a stereo-model projected on the ground glass screen.
Some specific examples of photographic interpretation equipment use and
improvement are:
1. Lens stereoscopes: Several designers worked on the problem of providing
better optics in the magnification (2 to 3 power) lens stereoscopes; a few models
were produced. Also several lens stereoscopes (United States) were developed
in which supplementary lenses could be moved in or out of the optical system,
to permit a choice of magnification. The increasing employment of aerial
photographs as field maps resulted in greater use of “field stereoscopes” of
various types. A stereoscope in use by forest personnel of the Korsnas Com
pany in Sweden is built in the form of a lightweight aluminum carton, in which
the photographs are mounted for convenient use in the field.
2. Mirror Stereoscopes: The scanning-type of mirror stereoscope with vari
able magnification came into widespread use during the reporting period, thereby
supplementing the many other excellent types of mirror stereoscope already