Full text: General reports (Part 3)

Specific Applications 
A. General Project Planning 
B. Damsites 
C. Reservoirs 
D. Flood Control Structures (levees) 
E. Highways and Airports 
F. Railroads 
G. Pipelines 
H. Irrigation 
I. Seepage 
J. Landslides 
K. Foundations 
L. Industrial Sites 
M. Beach Erosion and Coastal Protection 
N. Traffic and Related Studies 
O. Watershed Engineering 
P. Hydrology 
Q. Materials Surveys 
R. Excavation 
Chapter X.—Photo Interpretation in Geography 
(Author-editor: John H. Roscoe, Reconnaissance Branch, Directorate of 
Intelligence, Hdqs. U. S. Air Force, Washington 25, D. C.) 
(Detailed outline not yet received) 
Chapter XI.—Other Applications of Photo Interpretation 
(Author-editor: Not yet assigned) 
Introduction: (Brief statement of scope and purpose of chapter) 
Basic Considerations 
General Applicability of Aerial P.I. Techniques to the interpretation of 
photos taken with telescopes, microscopes, oscilloscopes, radio-autographs, 
Specific Applications 
A. Astronomy 
B. Medicine 
C. Criminology 
D. Motion Studies (Interpretation of Time Lapse Photography) 
E. Archaeology 
F. Other Applications 
Chapter XII.—Education and Training in Photo Interpretation 
(Author-editor: Not yet assigned) 
Based largely on Boston University Technical Note 119, “A Comparative 
Analysis of Curricula and Techniques Used in the Training of Photographic 
Interpreters,” by Lt. Col. S. A. Custer and Sylvia R. Mayer. 
Appendix A.—Definition of Terms Used in Photo Interpretation 
(Based largely on P.I. Glossary prepared by U. S. Armed Forces plus Contri 
butions from Author-editors of the Various Chapters) 
Appendix B.—General Tables and Graphs Submitted by Author-editors of the 
Various Chapters 
other recent reference publications 
1. A list and description, of the photo interpretation aids with the names of 
the manufacturers and the prices have been prepared by Clarence D. Chase,

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