Full text: General reports (Part 3)

Types and scale of photography: Primarily 1:20,000 vertical 8J" photography. 
Also some 1:35,000 vertical 5.2" and 1:32,000 four-lens, vertical 4" photog 
raphy. All photography is black and white 
PI instruments used: Stereoscopes, stereometers, Kail plotter 
Types of information furnished: Detailed information on correlation of thin 
beds within the Green River and Uinta formations. Terrain profiles 
Title: Iso pack map, Monument Valley, Utah, U. S. A. (production) 
General description: Detailed study and measurement of stratigraphic inter 
vals to permit isopachous map compilations 
Dates: Begun—1953, to be completed by 1957 
Area: 1,500 square miles 
Types and scales of photography: 1:20,000-scale vertical 6" photography, 
black and white 
PI instruments used: Stereoscopes, stereometer, Kelsh plotter (primarily the 
Types of information furnished: Isopachous maps showing swales and chan 
nels, some of which are known to be mineralized in a certain formation 
Title: Kuparuk-Aufeis area, Alaska (production) 
General description: Photogeologic mapping of area between two field-mapped 
areas, gently folded sedimentary terrain 
Dates: Begun 1954. To be completed 1956 
Area: 600 square miles 
Types and scale of photography: 1:10,000-scale vertical, 6". 1:40,000-scale, 
trimetrogon 6", high angle obliques 24", both black and white and Koda- 
PI instruments used: Stereoscope, Super Duper Dipper 
Types of information furnished: Structural and stratigraphic 
Title: Permafrost studies in Alaska 
General description: Field studies, supplemented by photo interpretation 
aimed at increased knowledge of the distribution and characteristics of 
permafrost and the means of determining these from aerial photography 
Dates: 1954 to present. Continuing project 
Area: Selected photographs from various parts of Alaska 
Types and scale of photography: Mostly verticals at scale of 1:20,000 and 
1:40,000, also low-level obliques 
PI instruments used: Stereoscope 
Types of information furnished: Distribution of bedrock and surficial deposits 
Title: Military Geology, Pagan Island, Northern Marianas (Pacific Ocean) 
General description: Photogeologic mapping and field mapping of geology 
and vegetation of Pagan Island 
Dates: June—1954 to present. Report writing nearly completed 
Area: Vertical coverage, 16 square miles 
Types and scale of photography: Vertical, 1:20,000 
PI instruments used: Kelsh plotter 
Types of information furnished: Report 
Title: Evaluation of color photography in geologic study {research) 
General description: Office and field evaluation of vertical color photographs 
of selected areas in California and Nevada (U.S.A.) 
Dates: Begun 1955. This is a continuing project

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