Full text: General reports (Part 3)

level where accuracy is essential and where 
analytical interpretation must be done, 
then there is little question that the ter 
rain type method has much to offer. It 
should be noted that the terrain type meth 
od can be used for both general classes of 
requirements, while it is doubtful if the 
physiographic method can be used for 
The use of a method which is not 
adapted to photo interpretation proce 
dures can lead to a weakening of the final 
product. Therefore the selection of the 
vehicle which will best accomplish a land 
classification task, whether it is for civil 
or military purposes, is something needing 
considerable study. 
Literature Cited 
1. Atwood, W. W., (1940), “The Physio 
graphic Provinces of North America,” 
(Foreword, p. v). 
2. Bowman, Isaiah, (1909), “The Highland 
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6. , (1934), Geography in Relation to 
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7. Brunhes, Jean, (1920), Human Geography, 
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8. Davis, W. M., (1915), “The Principles of 
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9. Fenneman, N. M., (1917), “Physiographic 
Divisions of the United States,” Ann. 
Assoc. Amer. Geog., Vol. 6, pp. 19-98. 
10. Heath, G. R., (1955), “An Associative 
Method of Regional Photo Interpretation,” 
XXI, No. 4, pp. 589-598. 
11. Peltier, L. C., (1954), American Geography 
Inventory & Prospect, Chap, on Geomor 
phology, p. 367. 
12. Sauer, Carl O., (1917), “Proposal of an 
Agricultural Survey on a Geographic 
Basis,” Mich. Acad. Sci. Ann. Rep., Vol. 
19, pp. 77-86. 
13. Semple, E. C., (1911), Influence of Geo 
graphic Environment, p. 204. 
14. Stamp, L. D., (1955), Man and the Land, 
p. 244. 
15. Veatch, J. O., (1933), “Agricultural Land 
Classification and Land Types of Michi 
gan,” Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta. Spec. Bull 

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