Full text: General reports (Part 3)

GVII-11 (Supo) 
The Institute for City and Regional planning, a 
department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at 
Zurich, is repeatedly called upon by the authorities of 
communities and districts to comment upon and study their 
special problems and to draw up solutions and planning 
programs» For such work photographs are regularly and ex 
tensively used» 
Other Engineering Applications 
In the Netherlands, as in other countries, the last 
four years has seen the increased application of photographic 
interpretation techniques to the photogrammetric mapping pro 
cess» By means of photogrammetry and photo interpretation, 
the mapping of the Netherlands has been almost completed* 
Work is also proceeding on a new map of New Guinea at a 
scale of Is100,000, which is expected to be completed by 
January 1, 195>7* For a planned expedition in New Guinea, 
a valuable terrain map was made» Photographic interpreta 
tion played a considerable part in this project» Even 
places for proposed aircraft landing strips were selected 
from the aerial photography» The results of these 
interpretations were found, by later ground check, to be 
quite correct* 
In Switzerland, where good, large scale maps exist for 
the entire country, photographs are extensively used as 
supplements to maps in engineering work. 
In most branches of civil engineering for example 
photographs find continuous employment. They are 
chiefly studied together with maps and plans, mainly 
large scale photogrammetric plans, which serve as basic 
material in the preliminary study and planning as well as 
for the execution of engineering programs. A particular 
advantage of the use of photographs is the application 
to specific needs and requirements that come up during the 
progress ofTicork» 
In the Alpine regions of Switzerland vertical aerial 
photographs do not always answer the special requirements 
of the case. In areas of very steep high walls, cliffs 
or very narrow valleys, it may become necessary to take 
oblique photographs. Even ground photogrammetry may 
be the only means of attacking a problem» In all such 
instances the way of using the photographs remains 
fundamentally the same. 
Photographs furnish valuable services for inaccessible 
regions, for they allow study of even minor details, of the

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