10. Grande-Bretagne .
Directorate of Colonial Surveys.
Directorate of Military Surveys.
Ordnance Survey.
Meridian Airmaps Limited.
Harward Marlachlan and Co. Ltd.
Airsurvey Co. Ltd.
12. Israël
Survey of Israel.
Photogrammetric Institute, Jerusalem.
13. Italie
Institut Géographique Militaire.
Institut de Géodésie, Ecole Polytechnique de
Ottico Meccanica Italiana (O.M.I.).
Ente Italiano Rilievi Aerofotogrammetrici
15. Norvège ....
Norges geografiske oppmaling.
Widerfes Flyveselskap og Polarfly.
Norsk Polarinstitut.
16. Pays-Bas ....
Survey Department « Rijkswaterstaat ».
Royal Dutch Shell Group.
K.L.M. Aerocarto.
Topographical Survey.
International Training Centre for Aerial Survey.
17. Suède
The Geographical Survey Office.
The Land Survey Board.
The Department of Photography at the General
Staff of Defence.
The Royal Institute of Technology.
Kjessler Mannerstrahle.
18. Suisse
Photogrammetrisches Institut der E.T.H.-Zürich.
Laboratoire de Photogrammétrie de l’E.P.U.L.
19. Yougoslavie . . .
Institut de Photogrammétrie, Zagreb.