indications about differences in soil condition. Therefore not only natural, but also man-
made elements are used.
Not all elements always point to important differences in soil condition. If on one
11 L
Fig. 2.
veconnaissance soil map of the same region as indicated in fig. 1, but surveyed in
the field without the application of photo-analysis. (By courtesy of the Netherlands
Engineering Consultants, The Hague, Messrs. Dwars, Hederik and Verhey, Civil-En-
gineering, Amersfoort, and the Netherl. Org. for Reclamation of waste lands, Arnhem. Soil
Survey by Dr. K. v .d. Meer).
place, for instance, a difference in a certain vegetation or land use indicates a soil boundary,
on another place this difference is not important at all. The value of the analysis is there-