Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

fiducials. It's accuracy is .0001". The output of the comparator may be read di- 
rectly in inches from two back-lighted integer panels, but it also has incorporated 
the Fairchild Visa-Log analog-digitalizer whose output may be directed to a card 
punch of either the key-punch or summary-punch type, or to an automatic type- 
writer of the Flexiwriter type. Provision is also made for feeding or setting in 
time history records and for recording test numbers of frame numbers or other 
reference numerals. 
This accessory is material for a paper in itself and is an unique contribution 
to the extension of the use of photogrammetric records as it brings the potential 
of electronic computation to this field. 
The flexibility and adaptability of the Analyzer system of data recording is 
probably best demonstrated by listing some of the recording tasks that have 
Fic. 13. Determining Rate of Sink of a Non-Rigid Airship in Landing. 
been successfully completed by these instruments alone or in conjunction with 
their auxiliaries (Figure 13): 
High speed level passes at speeds over Mach 1 
Maximum performance take-off 
Glide slope approach and automatic landing under complete electronic and 
instrument control 
Missile launchings 
Zero-launch types of tests 
Helicopter performance studies 
vertical climb 
loss of altitude to obtain full autorotation 
maximum rearward and sideward velocity for gust conditions 
Aerial torpedo drop trajectories and water entry angles 
Aircraft take-off distance, and distance to clear 50 feet 
Landing over obstacles 
Air to ground missile trajectories 
Altimeter calibrations 
Accurate altitude determination over surrounding territory 

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