Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

(1) Slides.—Photographs are contact-printed on glass slides for dimensional 
(2) Projector.—Projects image on mirror behind screen which reflects image 
to rear of screen. This method of rear projection conserves space and enables 
the operator to work on screen without obstructing projection. 
(3) Screen.—This is enameled Herculite glass especially prepared to ac- 
commodate pencil work. The screen is mounted in an aluminum frame and 
stand, rigidly affixed to floor. 
(4) Measuring Devices.—Sliding vertical and horizontal rules are mounted on 
screen frame. A contour meter is furnished to take off all curved line measure- 
ments. Other devices can be adapted depending on the type of measurements 
The PhotoMetric Camera is being used in American and European research 
centers, universities, hospitals, and industries. A significant application of the 
PhotoMetric Camera is in the field of men’s custom tailoring. The photographic 
process takes about five minutes. Approximately thirty measurements are 
determined from the photographs to plot the customer’s shape and posture. 
Photogrammetry Applied to 
Making Sculptured Portraits” 
WM. F. ENGELMANN, Mechanical Engineer, Miami, Florida 
"[ ovas EDISON refused to sit for a portrait. He asserted that he was opposed 
to painted or sculptured portraits; since made without the aid of mech- 
anisms, they could not be *'really very good." A large number agree. 
Man has always searched for means to make his work less laborious, and to 
devise tools that extend the skill of his hands. With each tool civilization was 
advanced. But in the Fine Arts, and especially the Art of Portrait Sculpturing, 
little progress has been made. The sculptor in modeling a portrait, apart from 
his fingers, uses only a few simple wooden or wire tools. For measuring dis- 
tances between points, he has only simple calipers and simple scales and can 
make measurements only in a straight line. He has no means for measuring and 
recording the relationship between all points on the portrait. Placing one point 
the correct distance from another might disturb the distances of the corrected 
point from all other portrait points. For getting a likeness this is especially 
unfortunate, as a portrait is made up of a number of irregular surfaces, each 
one of which flows imperceptibly into the other. 
The sculptor has no aids such as the precision tools the mechanic utilizes 
in a modern machine shop, or with the intricate devices the photographer uses 
in making a photograph. He must depend upon visual guesswork and trial-and- 
NoTE: The U. S. Patents for the new sculpturing methods described in this paper and issued 
to the author of the paper are 1.546.636 and 1.594.607. 
* This is one of the papers included in the Report of the Reporter for U.S.A. Commission V of 
the International Society of Photogrammetry. 

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