Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

Fig. 1. Stereoscopic pictures of the stereoprojector. / 
structions, non-topographic photogrammetry with various applications 
The laboratory practice includes practical work in different instru- 
ments, determination of the inner orientation of cameras and projectors, 
adjustment of performed measurements and determination of the ob- 
tained accuracy. 
The field practice includes normal field work for aerial and terrest- 
rial photogrammetry. : = 
Special courses 
Occasionally special courses are arranged at the Division of photo- + * 
grammetry. Some of the courses have hz id an introductory character 
and other have been highly specialized for instance in theory of errors. 
Doctor's degree 
The doctor's degree (doctor of technology) can be obtained in photo- 
grammetry : 
Normally the degree of "teknologie licentiat" is first taken. For this 
latter degree it 1s required that the student has graduated from the 
Royal Institute of Technology and then has passed examinations in two 
scientific fields. He must also have presénted a satisíactory research 
For the doctor's degree a dissertation must be presented, which has 
to be publicly defended. 
Some Instruments of Special Interest for the Instruction 
The Stereoprojector 
Since a long time the stereoprojector (fig. 1) has been used at the 
Division of Photogrammetry. The projector is of very simple construc- 

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