Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

utilization of the flights executed by Switzerland at the end of 1955 on the Vorarl- 
berg polygon, will not be possible before 1956, 
Photography carried out. 
In addition to the initial coverage carried out by Austria, the new photography of 
the Austrian polygon was executed by Austria and Switzerland together: one 
group of flights was accomplished in 1954 on strips 2 and 3 of the polygon of 
about 15 km long. The most essential characteristics are: 
First series of flights om the Vorarlberg polygon. 
Group 1: 2 strips (listed as 2 and 3) — Swiss flight 
(tests II-VI) Camera: Wild RC 7a, f — 170 mm. 
21. 6. 54 Aviotar lens. > 
Size 15 X 15 cm-plates. 
Flying height: 1700 m. 
Photo-scale: 1 : 10,000. 
Number of plates: 
strip 2: 31 
strip.3: 29. 
Group 2: 2 strips (listed as 2 and 3) — Swiss flight 
(tests I-V) Camera: Wild RC 7a, f — 100 mm. 
21. 6. 54 Aviogon lens. 
Size: 15 X 15 cm-plates. 
Flying height: 1700 m. 
Photo-scale. 1 : 17,000. 
Number of plates: 
Strip 2: 18 
Strip 3: 19. 
Use of statoscope. 
Group 3: 2 strips (listed as 2 and 3) — Swiss flight P 
(tests IV-VIII) Camera: Wild RC 7a, f — 170 mm. 
21. 6. 54 Lens: Aviotar. 5 
Size: 15 X 15 em-plates. 
Flying height: 1000 m. 
Photo-scale: 1 : 5,900. 
Number of plates: 
Strip 2: 50 
Strip 3: 47. 
Group 4: 2 strips (listed as 2 and 3) — Swiss flight 
(tests III-VII) Camera: Wild RC 7a, f — 100 m. 
21.6. 54 Lens: Aviogon. 
Size: 15 X 15 cm-plates. 
Flying height: --1,000 m. 
Photo-scale: 1 : 10,000. 
Number of plates: 
Strip 2: 31 a 
Strip 3: 30. 
Use of statoscope. 
Group 5: 2 strips (listed as 2 and 3) — Austrian flight. 
(tests IX-X) Camera: Wild RC 7a, f — 100 mm. 
21. 6. 54 Lens: Aviogon. 
Size: 15 X 15 cm-plates.

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