Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

or piasuc ion. 
planning, etc. 
Stand 105—cont. 
Activities and Products 
AGA, an international concern with sixty companies in 26 countries, was 
founded over fifty years ago by Gustaf Dalen, Nobel Prize Winner in 
Physics, whose ingenious inventions virtually revolutionised lighthouse 
engineering by allowing beacons to operate for long periods without 
Subsequent development has found AGA manufacturing gas and electric 
beacons, industrial gases and welding equipment, land, sea and air signals 
and navigational aids, radio beacons and direction finders, advanced 
optical instruments, radio and TV receivers as well as gyros and universal 
compasses for jet aircraft. 
More recently AGA has emerged as a leading producer of electronic- 
optical devices such as soundfilm equipment including Cinema Scppe 
lenses; and it is this division that is responsible for the land surveying 
instrument called the Geodimeter now in extensive use the world over. 
Cooke, Troughton & Simms Ltd. 
Haxby Road, York and 
Broadway Court, Westminster, S.W.l 
Representatives: Commander Bill, D.S.O., 
R.N. (Rtd.) 
J. H. D. Gowans 
STAND 106 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
Tavistock Theodolite L.406. A precision theodolite with direct reading to 
1 in. on horizontal and vertical circles. 
Self-aligning Level 5700. An automatic level for precision and general 
purposes. Efficiency is greatly increased without loss of accuracy. 
“Tellurometer Micro-Distanced' MRA2. A Micro-wave system of precise 
measurement of distance for geodetic and general use on land. A re 
designed model of MRA1 of which over 1000 instruments are now in use. 
Tellurometer Hydrodist MRB2. A modified form of the Tellurometer 
system giving a direct read-out in metres. This system is primarily 
designed for marine use, but is equally suitable for land use or from a 
Activities and Products 
Manufacturers of precision instruments in the survey and microscope field. 
“Tellurometer” equipment is distributed and maintained by an associate 
company, Tellurometer (U.K.) Ltd. 
Kelvin & Hughes Limited 
Kelvin House, Wembley Park Drive, 
Wembley, Mddx. 
Representatives: F. W. Andrews 
G. X. Cooper 
D. Watts 
J. Davies 
Aviation survey instruments including: (a) Map Roller Equipment. This 
apparatus automatically relates aircraft position to a map by providing 
a simple course-keeping aid. (h) Periscopic Driftmeter. For measuring 
drift from pressurised aircraft, (c) Precision Altimeter. A highly accurate 
instrument utilising a force balance unit for pressure measurement, (d) 
Force Balance System. A servo-operated instrument designed to meet 
requirements for a portable, extremely accurate, pressure-measuring 
system, (e) Portable Pitot/Static Test Set. Provides a portable equipment 
of extreme accuracy to test aircraft’s manometric instruments in situ. 
(/) True Airspeed Unit. Developed in collaboration with the Admiralty 
and the Institute of Aviation Medicine. This instrument transforms pitot 
pressure information to a switched programme of 2-channel sound thereby 
warning the pilot of his critical approach speeds when deck landing. 
Activities and Products 
The Company manufacturers a wide range of aviation flight, navigation 
and engine instruments, including many having applications for survey 
work. Flight instruments include accelerometers, airspeed indicators, 
altimeters, barometers, machmeters, rate of climb indicators and turn and 
slip indicators. The range of navigation instruments embraces map roller 
equipments, a range of compasses including gyro magnetic types, drift 
recorders, drift sights, true airspeed units, sextants and periscopes. 
Extensive research and engineering facilities are available and skilled 
engineers are on call to carry out installation or servicing or to advise on 
any instrument problems. 
STAND 107 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
Rank Cintel Ltd. STAND 108 
Worsley Bridge Road, Lower Sydenham, London Examination Hall 
S.E.26 Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
Representative: D. Causley 
9 in. x 9 in. Electronic Photographic Printer and 14 in.xl8 in. Electronic- 
Photographic Printer, both for producing contact prints by electronic 
flying spot scanning method whereby the density range of the negative is 

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